Monday 31st of March 2025

Praise for Carr

I received the below from a North East Forest Alliance list I'm on.

NEFA is close to my heart because it was with NEFA in the 80s that I became an activist and very politicised. And this was just a very YD sort of idea. I publish this with permission from the author George Woods.


The logging communities of the Brigalow Belt South bioregion are going off in the media, blasting the recent decision to protect 350,000ha of forest from logging in the northern central west of the state. (See the ABC this morning for example.) The State Opposition has vowed to overturn it.

I thought it might help if we all sent emails to Carr supporting the decision.

I know those kinds of emails stick in the craw for some of you ("what? thank a Labor politician for doing the rational thing?") but it only takes a moment and can be as reticent in its praise as you see fit.

I've copied below the quick email I sent Carr this morning. Send the call out around your lists if you can.



email: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Carr,

I am writing to express my thanks for your government's decision to protect 350,000ha of the forests of the Brigalow Belt South in Community Conservation Areas.

The threatened species of the region have a more secure future as a result of that decision.

While I remain unconvinced that National Parks are not the best option for forest protection, I understand the delicacy of the situation, and remain hopeful that these forest will one day be protected in National Parks.

Thank you for your continued commitment to forest protection in NSW.

Yours sincerely,

G Woods

PS - I have to say though, that the forests will start dying unless something is done to prevent climate change. Please don't allow a new coal fired power station to be built in the state and please stem the tide of Hunter Valley black coal being shipped overseas to be burnt and sent into the atmosphere.