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review 2010 .....After speaking with many hundreds of Party members and supporters today we released the 2010 ALP National Review Report. Review 2010 was the largest in the history of the party thanks to the participation of members like yourselves who contributed online, through a formal submission or at one of the consultation forums. What is clear is that members and supporter are passionate about our great Party, but very concerned about its future. That is why the Review Report recommends significant changes in Labor's organisation including:
More information There's more information on both the Australian Labor website as well as the Review2010 website: download a copy of the Review2010 Report; have your say on the blog about the Review2010 Report; or read the media release. Pull the other one boys .... come back & talk to me when you're ready to publish the whole report & more importantly, when you’re ready to do something. John Faulkner says that Labor has no future until the factions put the party first. Yeah, right; try telling that to Kevin Rudd, Eddie Obeid or Mark Arbib. I say the Party has no future until the Party gets rid of factions. Meanwhile, whilst the mining sector pirates $60billion of this nation's wealth; the banks pillage at will, supported by a taxpayers' guarantee; the environment goes to hell in a hand-basket; our nation's reputation as a fair & compassionate society is destroyed because we don't have the courage & decency to extend genuine assistance to a few thousand refugees, some of whom we helped create; contrary to overwhelming public opinion, we support anything that the zionists do, whilst turning our backs on the Palestinian people; no fundamental reform for our health system & not a skerrick of vision for the future. Let me tell you something John, you don't need a focus group to recognise what Labor has become: a 'club' for professional opportunists, whose sole interest is remaining in office & pursuing their own self-interest. Labor hasn't lost its values & principles; it's deliberately & callously jettisoned them, just as it jettisoned Rudd in favour of one of the least impressive & least imaginative politicians this country has ever produced. And Labor's one 'big idea'? Look after the big end of town better than the Liberals do: that way you get to stay in office. Neither Labor or the coalition give a toss about ordinary Australians, so why would ordinary Australians giv a toss about them? Sadly your report is worth nothing ... it's like preaching about virtue to a whore.
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