Dear Margo, the only comfort I have been drawing from the shameful and sorry saga of the Howard government over its term is that if we give the bastards enough rope they will not only hang themselves but be the catalyst for a peaceful democratic uprising, the like of which this country has never experienced.
That's where you come in. You are the first real sign of that uprising. You are a spark igniting the flame of freedom and democracy in our hearts. Thank you.
It's been quite lonely as an Australian who despises bigotry and tries to maintain some humility in this cowardly new world. There has been little respite from the barrage of propaganda that pretends to be media. Thank God for the ABC.
I'm a avid reader of your web site - it's what's keeping me sane. I bought your new book 'Not at all fucking happy, Rotten Johnny' yesterday afternoon and finished it last night. I left it in Sydney with friends, them arguing over who was entitled to read it next. Thank you for having the guts to tell the truth.
At times reading it, I felt sadness, at times cynicism but mostly just raw anger. I was sitting in the Harboard Diggers at the time and found it difficult not to storm around cursing. It was wise to show some constraint as, after all, I was in the heart of Mad Monk Country.
Having read your book, I feel more empowered to communicate with a lot of my friends and family. BUT...
It is way too intellectual to give to most of my mates down the pub back here in Tassie. They are truckies, timber workers and building types. Good honest men who, unfortunately believe what they are fed by Lawsie, Ray Martin and the Herald Sun. They are scared of foreign hordes arriving on our shores and terrorists attacking their families. They do not understand the level of intricacies you explore, nor the language with which you articulate. They don't know their fears and prejudices are being manipulated. Besides, the footy is on. (Margo: Don't sell 'em short - how about sending me the postal address of one of your mates and I'll send him the book and ask him to have a go at reading it and letting me know what he thinks.)
This is where i need help. I do not have your skills of communication. I need a much simplified, condensed version of your book so i can explain and argue the points and maybe even get them to read it. I know you are very busy as a champion of our democracy. I would not normally ask your help in something like this but I reckon I'm out of my depth and I won't be the only one in this situation. Time is growing short as the election looms. I really want to help.
Thank you for giving me the courage to fight for our democracy.
Let us not stop until we have a Bill of Rights written into our Constitution, an government accountable to the people and our own elected Head of State.
I wrote the following in the early nineties. I thought you might get a giggle. At little confrontational perhaps and amateurish at best but ah, ya get that!
The shriek of a hawk pierced my slumber
To an early morning chill
I awoke to find I'd finished my evening
Passed out on Capital Hill
And as I lay and pondered
My sore and sorry lot
I gazed up and was humbled by
The mighty Southern Cross.
She flew from mast in steady breeze
To symbolize our stand
All have the right to go walkabout
In this ancient southern land
If you so desire you can hit the track
Go bush with a swag on your back
Totally free if it wasn't for
The shadow of the Union Jack
The legacy of the Union Jack
The tyranny of the Union Jack
Eureka, flame of the Republic
Where are you now
It's time to rise again in the hearts
Of free women and men
Crush this Westminster scam
Before they totally ruin this land.
Margo: Poetry in the pub, perhaps?
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