Thursday 16th of January 2025

our abc ....

our abc ....

Below is an Open Letter sent to the taxpayer-funded, pro-Zionist ABC ( Australia 's equivalent of  the UK BBC) and protesting its censorship of anti-racist humanitarians demanding human rights for 12 million Palestinians.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Open Letter to the taxpayer-funded Australian ABC re ABC betrayal, censoring, lying by omission , lying by commission, genocide-ignoring,  anti-Arab anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish anti-Semitism.  

Anti-Semitism means physical or verbal offence to Semites for being culturally and/or ethnically Semites per se and occurs in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 15 million largely culturally Semitic Jews and anti-Arab anti-Semitism against 300 million culturally and ethnically Semitic Arabs and 1,500 million largely culturally Semitic Muslims (Islamophobia). 12 million Muslims have been killed through violence or violently-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 Zionist-backed US War on Muslims, including the ongoing, Western-imposed Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Somali Genocide (see "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide": The worst anti-Jewish anti-Semitism today – and exhibited by the ABC -  involves Zionist and pro-Zionist conflation of decent, anti-racist Jews with the horrendous human rights abuses of Apartheid Israel and false defamation of anti-racist Jews critical of Apartheid Israel's horrendous crimes  as “racists” or like false abuse  (see "Palestinian Genocide": and "Jews Against Racist Zionism":

In a process of continuing, Zionist-inspired holocaust denial, ABC ignores the reality that WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) was part of a wider WW2 European Holocaust in which 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies were killed. There were also 2 other major WW2 holocausts – both largely ignored by the ABC - specifically, the Chinese Holocaust (35 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945) .and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web: ; Gideon Polya, "Bengal Famine. How Australia & UK killed 6-7 million Indians in WW2", MWC News: ).

The ongoing US-, US Alliance- and Australia-complicit Apartheid Israeli Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 2 million deaths from violence (0.1 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) since 1936, 7 million Palestinian refugees, the ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine, and Apartheid Israeli democracy-by-genocide whereby of 12 million Palestinians, 6 million are forbidden to even step foot in their own country, only 13% are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine (albeit as Third Class citizens under race-based Apartheid laws), 35% live under illegal, war criminal and highly abusive Israeli Occupation with zero human rights, and 14% are confined to what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp (half of them 850,000 children, of whom 10% are stunted due to war criminal Israeli blockade) – horrendous realities nears-completely ignored by the ABC  (see "Palestinian Genocide": and the recent book with numerous eminent co-authors  edited by Professor William Cook, “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”: ).

The ABC variously largely or completely  ignores the crimes of Apartheid Israel against Australians that are traitorously abetted by Australian Ben Zygier-style traitorous Zionists and morally complicit Australian pro-Zionists, notably the shooting, tasering, kidnapping, robbing and false  imprisonment of Australians on several Gaza flotilla boats; the bombing of 25,000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 by the Apartheid Israeli Luftwaffe; the horrendous war crimes (theft, civilian targeting,  mass murder and other gross human rights abuses ) committed against the families of Arab Australians;  the most likely continuing mass forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes; the subversion of Australian politicians, parties, journalists and institutions by Zionist traitors; the reality that the 2010 Coup against Australian PM Kevin Rudd was a US-approved, foreign corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led Coup ( see Antony Loewenstein, “Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?":; Gideon Polya, “Pro-Zionist-led coup ousts Australian PM Rudd”, MWC News:; and “I've been to Israel too”, Middle East Reality Check:; and the likelihood of many other criminal abuses  being committed against Australia (for a comprehensive list sent to media, MPs and the  Australia Federal Police see Gideon Polya, “50 ways racist Zionists (RZs) and Israeli state terrorism (IST) threaten Australia and your country too”, Bellaciao: and Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”, Palestinian Genocide:

There is a further horrendous dimension to this Zionist perversion of Australia. The 21st century Zionist-backed US War on Terror has been associated with violent deaths and deaths from war-imposed deprivation in Iraq and Afghanistan totaling  2.7 million and 5.6 million, respectively,  deaths that are overwhelmingly ignored by Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-perverted Mainstream media, including the ABC. Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz (82-Nobel-Laureate Columbia University) and Professor Linda Bilmes (75-Nobel-Laureate Harvard University), co-authors of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict." , have estimated an accrual cost of up to $6 trillion for the US War on Terror  (see “The true cost of the Iraq war: 3 trillion and beyond”, Washington Post, 5 September 2010:  and “Linda Bilmes on U.S. engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan: "The most expensive wars in US history", Harvard Kennedy School, 28 March 2013:”: and the accrual cost of the War on Terror for Australia has been $125 billion -  immoral, profligate and deadly financial commitments that are linked to annual preventable deaths totalling 1 million (the US) and 66,000 (Australia) ie: American and Australian preventable deaths since 2001 totalling 12 million and 0.8 million, respectively (see Gideon Polya, “Endless War on Terror. Huge cost for Australia & America”, MWC News, 14 October 2012:  

A Zionist-perverted and Zionist-subverted ABC resolutely looks the other way, lying by omission while simultaneously  applying egregious censorship and  defamation against anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians speaking out on such matters. And this cowardly and dishonest denial  occurs despite the words of outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond who in his best-selling book "Collapse” (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) enunciated the "moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people", and the words of Australia's first Australian-born Governor General, anti-racist Jewish Australian Sir Isaac Isaacs (1946): “The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism” (see “Jews Against Racist Zionism”:

Much-loved and highly respected writer and ABC journalist Terry Lane made the following acutely relevant observations: “I have said publicly that I will never write or speak on the subject of Israel or Palestine ever again. Here is why: The Zionist lobby in this country is malicious, implacable, mendacious and dangerous. They have caused me a great deal of lost sleep – and in the end my insomnia has not contributed anything to the resolution of the conflict over Palestine. I might as well keep my mouth shut and get some sleep. What's more, once the expression “anti-Semite” hits the air, or, heaven forfend, the sacred formula “six million” is uttered, then I know from bitter experience that there is not one manager or editor in the country who will defend an underling. We are thrown to the jackals. In the end the truly tolerant have no defence against intolerance. I surrender. To the Zionists I say: you win. To the Palestinians: forgive my cowardice” (Terry Lane quoted in “Zionism and the press in Australia: two views”, Journal of Historical Review: and “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”:

The following letter re egregious censorship and defamation of anti-racist critics of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel by the pro-Zionist ABC and by the SBS-backed, universities-funded, academic-based, pro-Zionist Australian  web magazine The Conversation has been sent to Australian media and MPs and is being sent to numerous ABC sections. There is evidently within the ABC a spectrum of people ranging from those actively involved in censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission  that damage the Australian national interest (while advancing the interests of Apartheid Israel and the US) to those too cowardly to do anything about this entrenched, pro-Zionist, Ben Zygier-style betrayal of Australia and Humanity. Silence is complicity.  Evil happens when good men do nothing.  

START LETTER. Dear Sir/Madam,

For all anti-racist humanitarians, and anti-racist Jews in particular, the core moral message from holocaust and genocide atrocities is to speak out against all human rights abuse.

However the taxpayer-funded ABC and the SBS-linked, universities-funded web magazine The Conversation have appalling records of sidelining, blocking, and censoring such anti-racist humanitarian reportage critical of Israeli and US Alliance human rights abuses.  

In contrast,  the ABC and The Conversation have been very active in supporting the false defamation by Labor of the Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott, as revealed by searches for the terms “mad monk” (102 and 21 results, respectively) and “misogynist' (378 and 100 results, respectively), while searches for the key humanitarian parameters “under-5 deaths” and “under-5 infant deaths” reveal zero (0) reportage by both media except for comments by Dr Gideon Polya.

Apprised of outrageous censorship and false defamation applied to anti-racist Jewish opinion in particular, the pro-Zionist Gillard Labor Government has been silent. Informed by humanitarians like outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian and resolute anti-Zionist Sir Isaac Isaacs, decent Australians will demand judicial inquiries and targeted budget cuts for the ABC and backers of The Conversation, and will put Labor last until it reverts to decent values.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya (contact details).

PS.  For details of this egregious censorship see “Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra”:, “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”:  and “Censorship by The Conversation”: Below are examples of outstanding anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers and leaders whose quoted views in support of Palestinian human rights have been censored out by the pro-Zionist ABC and by the pro-Zionist The Conversation.

Professor Peter Singer,   Miriam Margolyes, Professor Eva Cox, Professor Dennis Altman, Professor Andrew Benjamin, Sara Dowse, Professor GJ Lindell, Susan Varga, Antony Loewenstein, Professor David SG Goodman,  Professor John Docker, Jean McClean, Dr Peter Slezak, Dr Tony Balint, Dr Ron Witton, Dr Ned Curthoys, Dr Rick Kuhn, Dr. Tamas Pataki, Russell Bancroft, Alice Beauchamp, Toni Beauchamp, Wendy Crew, Bronwyn Dahlstrom,  Nicole Erlich,  Marshall Harris, David Hermolin,  Sylvie Leber,  Jeffrey Loewenstein,  Stefan Moore,  Martin Munz, Dr Gideon Polya, Vivienne Porzsolt,  Joe Rich,  Margot Salom,  Rene Tsukasov, and Nic Witton (anti-racist Jewish Australians);

Helen Bamber OBE, Prof Zygmunt Bauman, Sir Geoffrey Bindman, Rex Bloomstein, Sir Anthony Caro, Prof Stan Cohen, Jenny Diski, Moris Farhi MBE, Bella Freud, Stephen Fry, Prof Eric Hobsbawm, Dr Julian Huppert MP, Prof Mary Kaldor, Nicolas Kent, Beeban Kidron, Baroness Oona King, Prof Francesca Klug OBE, Mike Leigh, Miriam Margolyes OBE, Mike Marqusee, Dr Jonathan Miller, Rabbi Jeffrey Newman, Sophie Okonedo OBE, Prof Susie Orbach, Prof Jacqueline Rose FBA, Mike Rosen, Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah, Alexei Sayle, Prof Lynne Segal, Will Self, Sir Antony Sher, Prof Avi Shlaim FBA, Gillian Slovo, Sir Tom Stoppard, Dame Janet Suzman and Zoë Wanamaker CBE (eminent anti-racist Jewish Britons);

Uri Avnery, John Berger, William Blum, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Jeff Halper, Naomi Klein, Stephen Lendman, Ilan Pappe, Harold Pinter, Adi Ophir, Tanya Reinhart,  and Howard Zinn (more famous anti-racist Jews); and Tariq Ali , Rev. Allan Boesak, Professor Francis Boyle, Pat Buchanan, Jimmy Carter, Kathleen Christison, Bill Christison, Jonathan Cook, Ed Corrigan, Brian Eno, PM Tayyip Erdogan, Sophie Fiennes, Eduardo Galeano, George Galloway MP, Mahatma Gandhi, Allan Hart, Julia Irwin MP, Sonja Karkar, Conor Kelly, Terry Lane, Martin Linton MP, Mairead Maguire, Gabran Majdalany, Nelson Mandela. Cardinal Renato Martino, Cynthia McKinney, Vanessa Redgrave, Senator Lee Rhiannon,  Arundhati Roy, Rabee Sahyoun, Jose Saramago, Ahdad Soueif, Elia Suleiman, Baroness Jennifer Tonge, Rev Desmond Tutu, Gore Vidal, Alice Walker, David Ward MP and Dr Vacy Vlazna (variously famous anti-racist non-Jewish writers and leaders) (for details and more see “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: and “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: END LETTER.


This Open Letter to the taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia's equivalent of the UK BBC) sets out the appalling human cost of the Palestinian Genocide, the Zionist-backed post-1990 US War on Muslims and the post-2001 Zionist-backed US War on Terror. Like other Australian and Western Mainstream media, the taxpayer-funded pro-Zionist ABC and the SBS-backed, universities-funded, academic-based, pro-Zionist Australian  web magazine The Conversation have resolutely censored anti-racist Jews and non-Jews  protesting such human rights abuses and have coupled such censorship and self-censorship with egregious, unretracted defamation. The ABC, SBS and The Conversation are not alone in such conduct (eg: see “Censorship  by the BBC”:, “Mainstream Media Censorship”: and “Mainstream Media Lying”: but must be particularly condemned for betrayal of their taxpayer funders as well as of truth. Australia, and Humanity. Decent people should (a) inform everyone they can and (b) urge peaceful boycotting and sanctions against all of those associated with commission and censorship of horrendous human rights abuses. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.

Dr Gideon Polya has been teaching science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007:; see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007: and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2010: He has published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and others: When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: and

Open Letter To The ABC About Its Censorship Of Anti-racist Humanitarians Demanding Palestinian Human Rights