Monday 20th of January 2025

tony the troglodyte .....

tony the troglodyte .....

Tony Abbott is an utterly appalling, maliciously deceitful, dangerously incompetent and just plain bad prime minister, says Natalie Cromb. He also doesn't have the best interests of Indigenous people at heart.

Tony Abbott — you, sir, are a troglodyte of the highest order!

Let me preface my rage by saying that I appreciate different points of view and having perspectives broadened and challenged by healthy debate in a diplomatic manner. I appreciate that we all come from different life experiences that can enrich our understanding of certain situations and people. I respect everyone’s opinions as exactly that and try not to become emotional if their opinions are ignorant or offensive.

But having said that, Tony Abbott is a malevolent scum bag. He doesn’t utilise his unique position for the good of the nation, he doesn’t try to listen to the citizens of the nation to broaden his understanding of social, moral, familial, cultural and religious issues.

He pushes his agenda and, when people who actually are actively representing their electorate question his policies and motives, he makes threats and tries to circumvent the process. This sort of behaviour breaches the intent of the separation of powers, upon which this nation’s legal system was built. It is tantamount to a toddler having a tantrum in order to get a Kinder Surprise at the supermarket checkout.

Tony, you have undermined this country in every conceivable way. You say you are a conservative, but you are a radical fascist that is intellectually impotent and emotionally infantile. You cannot grasp simple concepts of decency let alone complex concepts of cultural connection and identity and yet, you say you are “comfortable with your credentials” when it comes to Indigenous Australia.

Cut the crap Abbott, you are not fooling anyone. You are a narcissistic bigot stuck in the 1950’s. You seek to marginalise and berate all that disagree with you. You seek to vilify and undermine all that stand in your way.  

You think women are simply housewives that iron and don’t always have the right to withhold sex; you think that gay people are threatening in their audacity to want equality to love without condemnation or exclusion from rights and privileges afforded heterosexuals; you expect all Muslim people to speak out against a radical few that happen to share their religion, while excusing the entire Catholic faith of which you are a member for not speaking out against the widespread child abuse perpetrated by its representatives; you have opined that scientifically proven climate change is “absolute crap” and you think Aboriginal people are bludgers.

Now Abbott loyalists, dismount your high horses before you bombard me with your vitriol (I assure you, I have heard it all before) and look at the facts.

There are far too many to list them all, but here are a few:

He repealed the carbon tax and cut funding to scientific and environmental programs, so there goes the future of this nation from an environmental perspective.

  • He has postured about his opposition to domestic violence while he crosses his fingers behind his back and axes funding to all of the services that are helping vulnerable women and children.

  • He says that he has a plan for Indigenous people that will Close the Gap and proceeds to cut over $600 million in funding to Indigenous grass root programs – including access to justice.

  • He ran an entire campaign vilifying people who he dubbed ‘leaners’ on the premise that the small percentage of Centrelink cheats are to blame for the poor budget but then proceeds to give his biggest donors tax cuts that would make us sick to the stomach and undoubtedly have our budget well on its way to the black had they not been granted.

Ignorance is something that we have come to accept from the national shame that is our prime minister, but enough is enough, he isn’t a kooky uncle that we try to ignore for the most part and cringe when they open their mouth. This is the leader of our nation, democratically elected and the fact that he uses this platform to advance his racist agenda royally (pun totally intended) really pisses me off!

The prime minister of Australia, rather than listening to the Indigenous people he purportedly represents, has been having pot shots and kicking Aboriginal people in the guts for far too long and it is about time that we called him out for the overt racist he is.

Tony Abbott has, since becoming prime minister referred to Australia as

“... the then unsettled or, um, scarcely settled, Great South Land”. 

And on a separate occasion, in order to perpetuate the fallacy of terra nulliusreferred to pre-colonial Australia as [IA emphasis]

“… nothing but bush … the Marines, and the convicts and the sailors … must have thought they’d come almost to the Moon…. Everything would have seemed so extraordinarily basic and raw…” 

He has attempted to rewrite history by saying

“... the First Fleet was the defining moment in the history of this continent ... [bringing Australia] ... into the modern world."

His contempt is clear.

The prime minister and supposed minister for Indigenous affairs is so far out of his depth in not only relating to Indigenous Australians (notwithstanding his bromance with his token Aboriginal friend, Warren Mundine) but of having basic qualities of empathy and historical awareness to attempt to make reasonable decisions pertaining to Indigenous people. He does not conceive of the notion that the Australian Government owes a duty to Indigenous people to make reparations for past wrongs and symbolic constitutional change years down the track does not constitute reparation, it constitutes patriarchal condescension continued.

How dare he purport to make decisions for Indigenous Australia. How dare he prioritise corporations above the rights of people and communities. How dare he denigrate a race of people and have the audacity to imply he cares.

He is the sadistic child that taunts ants with a stick to see what happens. Well, guess what?

Us ants have had enough and we are going to crawl up his legs and bite him!

The Indigenous people of this nation have been oppressed for long enough, have been polite for long enough and been drowned out for long enough. We are going to be loud and we are going to make sure that Australia, regardless of Abbott’s attempts to sanitise the history of this nation, knows the truth of the atrocities committed against Indigenous people for their gain.

This is not about white guilt. This is about honesty so that we have white voices speaking loud alongside our black voices. So our voices strengthen instead of being deliberately drowned out or vilified. Australia deserves to know the truth so they can stand for what is right, hand in hand with Indigenous Australians against the injustice that continues today.

Natalie Cromb is a member of the Kammileroi nation from NSW. You can follow Natalie on Twitter @NatalieCromb.

Tony the troglodyte