I read the book in one sitting last night, what a depressing read...From a middle class aspirational voter who is earning 100k plus and has been in a union for the last 20 years you would expect that I would be loving JWH's warm and comfortable Australia; far from it - I am very worried for the future of our young Democracy.
John Howard takes Aussies good natured lack of public activism too lightly. If the Peace Rally in Canberra had been full of Czechs or Bosnians or Indians, they would have stormed the Parliament house and tossed him out on his bleeding ear for ignoring 200,000 pissed-off citizens. That he could have marginalised almost a million of his constituents Australia-wide by implying that they didn't represent the views of the 'silent' majority was a cynical swipe at a marvellous display of public activism - it was broad based, well behaved and constructive.
What would I have liked to see in the book?
Why did JH want this war so badly? He isn't a stupid man, he knew the war would be unpopular, he knew the half-life of American gratitude was miniscule...where was the gain for him? It would be nice to picture John H as venal, petty, and weak...kissing GWBush's bum and toadying for all he's worth...but it doesn't really fit our impression of his qualities. A total enigma to me - any clues?
Great book guys.
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