Monday 10th of March 2025

deep state .....

deep state .....

Deep State is a Terror State, Torture State,

Tyrant State - and hey, it’s OK with that.


Deep State was formed to bodyguard elites,

keeping their dominance ever-refreshed.


Deep State doesn’t care what you advocate,

just as long as you toe the unsaid line.


Deep State is cold, lacks true affect;

hates only that which hinders it.


Deep State fences the range of opinion

like a cattle baron stringing barbed wire.


Deep State loves the culture wars, stokes all sides,

thrives on strife, the bitterer the better.


Deep State is not in full control; it just

knows which way it wants the world to roll.


Deep State kills the leaders it doesn’t like;

a lesson our leaders have learned by now.


Deep State doesn’t care if a whistle’s blown;

it already holds the reins of ‘reform.’


Deep State enjoys all the horse-race hoopla,

voters vexed by the vetted and the duped.


Deep State’s wars have no other purpose

than keeping our masters’ coffers in surplus.


Deep State doesn’t mind blowing up the world,

if the world won’t behave like Deep State wants.


Deep State is Red, Deep State is Blue;

Deep State don’t give a damn for you.


Chris Floyd