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the chant of a mad monk ....Tony Abbott: a few cartridges short of a full clip, says Bob Ellis. Abbott’s cry for an immediate Armageddon of the Christian states against the infidel Islamist beheaders of children would not be out of place in twelfth century Europe and leaves one to give thanks that he is no longer in charge of anything. ‘As long as some people fiercely believe,’ he wrote in The Australian yesterday, ‘that it’s morally right to kill any and all who don’t share their warped view of Islam, the scale and spread of the carnage will be limited only by their access to weapons and their ability to deploy them.’ He then goes on to urge the killing of any or all who don’t share his warped view of Islam and his clamorous desire for boots on the ground in Turkey – where Anzacs haven’t been for a while – killing whom in their thousands will stop them killing us, Paris-fashion, here. What ullage and piffle he is talking. It’s like saying we must kill more Palestinians to stop them killing Israelis in bus stops with knives. What killing does is make them vengeful, as you would be if your brother was killed by an RAAF bombing of Prince Alfred Hospital. Killing begins blood feuds that can last a millennium. We must ‘accept military casualties abroad’, he says of his proposed new Anzac invasion, lest there be ‘more civilian casualties at home’. But history shows that killing civilians, as France just did, in Raqqa, bestirs our enemies to bomb our civilians in return. France has just made sure the next explosive attack will be on the Louvre. ‘Islamic State cannot be contained, it must be destroyed,’ Abbott says, invoking the Hiroshima Option as few have in 70 years. How can you destroy a movement of mi!lions of Sunnis who each beget seven children willing, at 12, to strap on bombs for the Cause? How do you do that? Nuking? Genocide? What? It seems to me Abbott is in breach of our law against inciting terrorism and should be locked up for seven or fifteen years. He calls them ‘vigorous measures’ but what what he is currently, wild-heartedly advocating is obliterative bombings of cities and the turning back to their torturers of people in boats fleeing, rightly, the same child soldiers of Islamic State and its African affiliates who crave child brides, holy martyrdom and an End Time battle with the Great Satan, Christianity. What a medieval figure Abbott is. What a bloodthirsty, raving fool. He once told me: ‘I have to jog an hour every morning or I get really, really angry.’ He should make it two hours, I think. He is now, every day, at this rate, becoming more and more insane.
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