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the toy boy .....
from Buzzflash ….. ‘When he was young, caretakers picked up his toys. When he was a dissolute adult, protectors covered up for his seedy, irresponsible behaviour and dereliction of duty. When he was old, his father's friends cleaned up after his business failures. Someone has always cleaned up Bush's messes for him. He's never had to or been able to do it himself. Now, through the power of Rove packaging, right wing mastery of the media, and a silent Supreme Court coup in 2000, he is playing with weapons of war and lives. And there is no one who can clean up his messes anymore. As he always has, Bush blames others. Now, he is even pointing the finger at the Iraqis, claiming that they botched this great gift of invasion and occupation that Bush "gave" to them. He is telling us that our "national psyche" is "strained." Everyone is to bear fault but Bush. He doesn't solve problems; he creates them for others to handle after he has long left the scene. The fabulous, quintessential American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald knew the George W. Bush type long before Bush was born. In "The Great Gatsby," Fitzgerald writes of two of the main blue-blood, wealthy, self-absorbed characters in his novel: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy -- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness....and let other people clean up the mess they had made." For Bush, Iraq is now OUR problem, not his. It is the
problem of the Iraqis, not his fiasco. It has always been that way with George W. Bush, and always will be.’
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