Saturday 18th of January 2025

scomo is a liar, except when he tells the lies about not telling lies...

The man who has accused Scott Morrison of “racial vilification” in a Liberal Party ballot more than a decade ago, Michael Towke, has gone further in new claims about the reaction from a cabinet minister to his explosive claims in recent days.

Mr Towke claims a federal cabinet minister has texted him to say “I believe you” in response to his statement on the weekend about the Prime Minister’s conduct in 2007 when the two men sought the party’s endorsement for the federal seat of Cook, a contest Mr Morrison won.

Mr Towke told The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age on the weekend that Mr Morrison was part of a campaign that used “racial vilification” against him, expanding on claims in a statutory declaration also reported on the weekend in which he said Mr Morrison told Liberals he could not be the candidate because he had a Lebanese background and because there were rumours he was a Muslim.

Mr Morrison has denied the claims in repeated questions from journalists in recent days about his part in the ballot, while community leaders have praised him for standing for community harmony and political colleagues have said they have never heard him make racist remarks.


Mr Towke now says he has received messages of support from a cabinet minister.

“I’ve got text messages from a cabinet minister telling me ‘I believe you’ and ‘do what you need to do, just be careful’,” he says in an interview with The Project on Network Ten.

The interview, which aired on Wednesday night, includes comments from Mr Towke in which he says “it’s the right thing to do” to speak publicly now about the events of 2007. While he did an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald in 2009 and spoke to The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age last Saturday, he has not done a television interview in the wake of the contested ballot.

When asked by program host Waleed Aly whether Australians would be surprised if they learned the identity of the cabinet minister, Mr Towke hinted it was someone aligned with the Prime Minister.

“If you’re asking me whether that’s someone seemingly more aligned on the Morrison side, the answer probably, or not probably, is yes,” he said.




ScoMo knows that most people are happy with him being a liar. It officially cleanse them out of their own lies.... He lies and his approval goes up.