Monday 6th of January 2025

One Adam 12 - Two Eleven in Progress ()

Calling all Liberals, calling all Liberals! Our democracy and our phisposophy are under armed hold-up!

Let's face it, I am the weirdo on this site. The unrepentant Liberal. It is important though that 'freaks' like me are allowed a voice in the chorus of dissent. In reality, I am not a freak at all, I am a conventional and committed liberal. Half the population votes Liberal. Don't we know that well enough by now? My colleagues on this site would not agree with me on many things but we agree on the most important things.

We agree on the value of our democracy. We agree on the value of truth. We still think there is worth in the institutions of our constitution and our democracy. We care about how our country is seen in the world. We believe in the Australian egalitarian spirit in its best sense. In essence, we are Australian and proud of it. People like me are part of this movement because we believe in larger issues. We don't see political affiliation as a religion or a footy team. Political affiliations are secondary to the duty we have as citizens in our Australian democracy.

We do not fear complexity, we embrace it. We also know that many Australians are with us. We don't want to live in a values-free society. Our ethic will never be 'I'm alright Jack' because we know we can and will do a lot better.

John Howard says 'Australia is the greatest country in the world'. If that is true and I am sure we want to believe it, then let's make it so.

One thing is sure, it doesn't just happen, we have to make it so.

Join us and together we will make the next government accountable. We have to do this because they have proven themselves unworthy of our trust.

Don't worry, because we know we can turn it around. We probably have the best opportunity since Federation to turn our country in the direction we'd like. Wouldn't it be awful if we looked back ten years from now with regret?

Let's not do that. Let's redraw our map of home. No regrets, no lament. In the spirit that we started, let's Advance Australia Fair.

Vote last for Turnbull in Wentworth and Howard in Bennelong. Do it for Australia.