Monday 6th of January 2025

More on Gorge (Grant Heaton)

Dear Margo, I bought your profoundly disturbing 'Not Happy, John' yesterday and have not slept well since - a combination of outrage and desire to do something!

Your book has reawakened in me a need to make our community a better place. I've just joined The Greens over the internet and will spread the word!

I am a teacher in Port Macquarie and last year was accompanying a school group to Canberra during the Bush visit. Before we left on the trip I received a phone call from a parent of my school who had received a call from the American Embassy as the parent's son (who was at my school) had written to George Bush to tell him that he came across 'as a good bloke' and that he (the boy) would be in Canberra when he was and could they meet.

The embassy wanted my mobile phone number in case Mr Bush could squeeze in a visit with his student fan. We spent the day waiting for the magic call but after reading your account of the stage-managed events I realise now I had more chance of flying to the moon that afternoon than meeting the American president.

Our school had booked to visit the War Memorial on that day but before we left Port Macquarie I received a call from the War Memorial telling me that the memorial would be closed to the public on that day for a reason he couldn't disclose!

We were squeezed in the previous day with the many other schools who had been turned away and those who had booked to be there on that day. Not a pleasant experience. As most of Canberra was locked down on visiting day, we spent the time we should have been at the memorial sitting in a local park watching the skies abuzz with fighter planes.

My student later received a letter from the American ambassador telling him that time prevented Mr Bush from meeting him but his letter was given to Mr Bush on his way back to America. Mr Schaeffer agreed that Mr Bush was 'a good bloke'.

As a strident opponent of the war in Iraq I also wrestled with my conscience of what to do if we had been given the chance to meet him. Allow a boy to be used as a political photo opportunity or make a stand. I didn't quite come to a decision but after reading your stirring book I know what I would do now!

Thank you for your courage in writing what you have.