Saturday 23rd of November 2024

Mike Scrafton's Self-Contained Lie Detector ()

By the way, anyone who doubts Mr Scrafton's motivation or veracity might like to read Patrick Walters' powerful profile in The Oz, headed 'A Fearless Public Servant'. Fearless is exactly right - note this passing aside:

In the late 1990s [Scrafton] was subject to an internal Defence investigation and subsequently counselled for accessing pornographic websites on the Department's computer system. This did not prevent him from being hand-picked in 2000 by his departmental boss, Allan Hawke, to work for then defence minister John Moore and his successor, Peter Reith.

Scrafton doubtless knew this (minor) transgression would quickly surface, yet clearly cared more about public truth, public service and a correct & complete public record than his own inevitable public embarrassment. Could we possibly desire any greater level of integrity and self-sacrifice in our Public Servants than this?

True Australian Elder leadership; really gutsy, honourable, inspiring Citizen-stuff. Thanks, MS. (Oh, and as for the naughty piccies caution...well, show me an Australian computer-driver who can swear with hand on heart and a dead straight face that (s)he's never, ever sneaked a peek at the Net's rude bits, and I'll show you a potential Prime Ministerial spin doctor. IMHO, MS'd be less credible if he hadn't, frankly - but then that's just me & my dirty mind, not NHJ! official policy, of course...)