Monday 13th of January 2025

the end of it all.....

Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir, cher Dmitri Medvedev, que vos dernières prévisions politiques et économiques pour l’année 2023 ont provoqué la stupeur des chancelleries européennes et occidentales. Il est vrai que cette nouvelle année s’annonce pleine d’incertitudes et d’inquiétudes… d’aucuns redoutent non pas la fin de l’Histoire, non pas la fin de la civilisation mais carrément la fin de l’humanité…

Letter to Dmitry Medvedev


by Lotfi Hadjiat


You are not unaware, dear Dmitri Medvedev, that your latest political and economic forecasts for the year 2023 have caused the astonishment of European and Western chancelleries. It is true that this new year promises to be full of uncertainties and worries... some people fear not the end of History, not the end of civilization but downright the end of humanity... it would be very sad, because after centuries and millennia of philosophical, poetic, artistic quest..., men and women have still not elucidated what humanity could be, and it would be tragic if humanity disappeared without she was able to elucidate her nature and fulfill her destiny. 

And this is of course more serious than a new partition of Poland, as you foresee it. But after all, perhaps humanity has no destiny and is doomed to perish in the hellish world of hopeless power struggles, like other animal species. 

Even if it means being pessimistic, let's be it to the end! But deep down, I'm not pessimistic. You rightly denounce Western degeneration, which never ceases to spread over our beautiful planet, and you legitimately set yourself the goal of destroying this gangrene. Imagine that is also my goal, on my small scale as an obscure writer. 

I said it, I am not pessimistic, I am even incurably optimistic; I believe invincibly that this destruction will happen because the light that carries humanity will inevitably prevail over its darkness. The messages of great men in the history of mankind cannot be in vain. Many will say that this is all a matter of belief, but the fact remains that humanity remains an enigma in the eyes of this same humanity, an enigma that has tormented it for millennia. There is indeed something within us that desperately seeks to unfold, to fulfill itself, to conquer, to defy death, something that we cannot identify. Most often we go about it the wrong way, instead of helping this something to happen we resist it, trying to master it, to draw from it a feeling of power, until death, which signs our impotence. final. 

We postulate that this something belongs to us because it is in us. But if this postulate was false. If we were the ones who belonged to this something... and through a complex cog of subtle sensations and feelings we had the impression that this something belonged to us... If even the sense of self were only an impression produced by these subtle dispositions... fleeting and fleeting impression when these dispositions disintegrate in death... would the individuality of the soul itself be only an illusion produced by the subtle dispositions proceeding from this elusive something, that some call the divine Being. Thus, we would not only be dust but dust of illusions… And some of these dust of illusions want to appropriate the world, want to appropriate the divine Being… thus goes the extremely miserable human madness. 

The dreams of power of these dusts would lend themselves to laughter if they did not entail so much suffering. I have long wondered what the ultimate origin of suffering could be, and I come to think that the root of suffering is found in resistance to divine love…resistance so ridiculous and yet so stubborn. To even want to seize this divine love, to appropriate it, is absurd, the only wisdom consists in letting oneself be seized by it, even on the edge of the abyss, even on the edge of death.

Those who do not have this wisdom will sink into destruction, these will undoubtedly be the most numerous. A minority will see virtue illuminating the skies, triumphing over tormented oceans, piercing with joy hearts already open to eternal virtue. The minority of the last believers beyond dogma, of those who will still believe in it when no one else believes in it, in the midst of unleashed chaos… of those who will still believe in the infallible triumph of eternal virtue at the bottom of the abyss of despair. This is how I see the years to come.

Apocalyptically yours.

source: The Free Thinker





                   GUS LEONISKY — CARTOONIST SINCE 1951.