Saturday 4th of May 2024

NO difference between the big two (E. Schmid)

I am quite intrigued by this site - I find it honest and containing some truths that are rarely dealt with these days. I used to be a Union official, and in that capacity, enmeshed via the TLC and the ACTU enmeshed in Labor Party Politics.

My very first visit to Sydney for an ACTU annual get together revealed to me the disgusting machinations of the Labour Party in action and, literally, left me speechless. Everything that I saw and heard at that meeting, ran CONTRARY to what I believed, in how Unionism and the Labor Party was supposed to work. In fact it was bloody obvious that the rank and file existed for one purpose only, and that was for the survival and benefit of the OFFICIALS of the connected organisations.

Every motion moved at that meeting was basically designed to further consolidate the status quo. It was a sad and sorry day for anyone who ever believed in any of the promises that are so casually spouted from the mouths of the officials of these organisations.

On my return home I immediately resigned my membership, and have to this day, vowed to NEVER EVER AGAIN support the treacherous Labour Party and it's foot soldiers. In all fairness, I must also add that during that time as a union official, I also spent much time with my employer's supervising department heads, who were all answering to a LIBERAL government. It became VERY clear to me, in a very short time, that the differences between the two parties, was actually NON EXISTENT.

BOTH have as their priorities, first, the survival of the party, second, maintaining the benefits thus obtained for all it's members, NO MATTER WHAT .

I also found that the average worker, was far too busy just keeping the wolf from his door, food on his table, and a roof over his/her head, to involve themselves in anything political . They were quite content, to let others do the hard yards for them, and then when things didn't work out as they expected, vilify the people who were doing their best to represent them.

The way I understand things, that represents the majority of Australians, therefore the hope or belief that things will change or that HONEST people with MORALS will somehow become involved in politics in our country is a very slim hope indeed, destined to be rudely disappointed.

Still, how can we go on under these circumstances?

People like yourself, by posting such web sites, are actually a tiny voice in the wilderness. Whether this has any effect on developments in the future, remains to be seen, we can only hope. I commend you for your efforts.