Saturday 4th of May 2024

ISP censorship of people who are NHJ? (Joseph Walters)

I have a friend in Northern NSW who is a 'Green's' supporter and as a result of reading 'Not Happy John' decided to become involved in raising awareness in his local community. The operator of an ISP in the local area, through whom my friend is sending emails to valid account holders and accepting and willing recipients, is a member of the 'National Party'.

Firstly this operator told my friend to stop sending these emails containing views that he was apposed to and then the operator 'blocked' my friend's emails from being delivered to the receivers. The originating emails are being sent from a legitimate and respected ISP, where there is a valid account.

So this 'National Member', as an operator of an ISP, believes that he is above the laws of the land. He seems to be 'actively' intercepting and 'censoring' email, which is illegal under the Privacy Act and he contravenes the rulings of operation from the TIO.

Has anyone else had experiences similar to this ?