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macron is implementing far right policies....Le Pen has repeatedly declared her admiration for Vladimir Putin and her support for his policies, despite the Russian regime's repeated violations of human rights and international law. She only truly began shifting her position after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. See "The Crazies" on this site to let you know Putin did not "have a choice"... SEE ALSO:
MEANWHILE: Macron's dangerous game on immigration Le Monde One cannot play with legislation on immigration without consequences. The issue is at the heart of public controversy and strategies for winning power. By ignoring this self-evident truth and pushing through, at all costs, a law that has just had 40% of its articles declared unconstitutional, President Emmanuel Macron did a great disservice to the rule of law, a supreme value of democracy. He put his need to reach an agreement with the right-wing opposition ahead of the constitutional exemplarity required of his office, turning a necessary debate on immigration into a short-term game of political chess with a worrying future. On the face of it, of course, the government can claim victory: the Constitutional Council validated almost all of the provisions from the initial bill drafted by the interior minister, such as the suppression of certain protections and possible appeals against forced deportations of foreigners, and the authorization for a single judge to give final rulings on asylum applications, instead of a panel of three. The regularization of undocumented workers also survived, as it was not contested in the referral to the Constitutional Council by the left-wing opposition, even though it had protested the discretionary power given to prefects. The Council ruled that almost all the amendments added by the right-wing Les Républicains (LR) and the MPs in Macron's coalition were unconstitutional. At the very least, the disavowal reflects the latter's political cynicism and indifference to parliamentary rules. At worst, it reveals contempt for basic republican principles such as jus soli and equality before the law, both of which were arguably breached by the law adopted by Parliament. A gift to the far rightAdmittedly, those provisions were rejected not based on their merits, but on procedural grounds. The Council ruled they were "legislative riders," amendments with no "even indirect link" to the initial bill. But how could it have been possible to justify that new obstacles to obtaining French citizenship or social benefits for documented foreign residents would make it possible to "control immigration" and "improve integration," the bill's official goals? In reality, neither the government, which used the Constitutional Council to try to overshadow the fact that the far right had supported its bill, nor LR lawmakers, who lost their soul by taking up measures inspired by the far right, such as a "national preference" of sorts, have emerged unscathed from the terrible and futile crash-test of this immigration law. Nor even has the left, whose refusal to debate, as demonstrated by its vote in favor of the motion to reject the bill in unison with Marine Le Pen, reflects its ambiguities and lack of ideas. A muddled law with minimal potential effects, a ruling coalition damaged by months of controversy on the far right's favorite topic, constitutional judges who limited the damage but are now in the position of scapegoats: Who could be happy with such a poor showing, apart from the leader of the far right, who dreams of pitting "the people" against "the judges" and blowing up constitutional and European safeguards to legalize discrimination and xenophobia, disfigure the Republic and discredit France? With the European election campaign approaching, the president's dangerous game on immigration looks like a gift to the forces speculating on the weakening of the rule of law, the discrediting of institutions, and distrust of politicians.
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