Monday 6th of January 2025

Don't forget about the pro-gunners and the pro-liberty crowd (Jason Kechagias)

I had the liberty of flipping through the book and I was suprised that you didn't include any references to the despicable way that John Howard used the tragic aftermath of the Port Arhtur massacre and the Monash University shootings as well as the emotional shock of the community to these two events for his own personal political gain as well as to satisfy his personal hatred of firearms regardless of their make, model, type, and calibre and of law-abiding firearm owners regardless if they are farmers who need firearms for their profession or recreational target shooters in the cities and suburbs who want to collect, own and shoot different types of firearms regardless of they are semi-automatic rifles or pump-action shotguns or bolt-action rifles or handguns.

I myself am a 22 year old university student who is also a firearm owner and is a strong supporter of the pro-gun movement and the pro-liberty movement and with the current state of affairs of our major political parties towards LAFOs (law-abiding firearm owners) and the legal ownership of firearms, it doesn't leave me much choice in the matter plus it goes to show that our major political parties are against the ideas of individual rights and liberties in the form of the right to freedom of choice, the right to own private property and the right to engage in any activity in society without harming or depriving the life, liberty, and property of others.

Since John Howard was able to exploit the community's emotions and fears in the aftermaths of both Port Arthur and Monash University, it makes him or any other politician dangerous because if the Federal Government and the anti-gun movement can easily inflict their petty hatreds onto the LAFOs, the Federal Government or any other 'control freak' group can do the same thing to any other group of Australians regardless of what activity/hobby you engage in or what property you own.

My advice to you guys and gals out there is to bring on the pro-gunners and the pro-liberty crew in your fight against John Howard because we have been fighting him and his cronies ever since April/May 1996.

I hope that myself and the majority of the recreational LAFOs in Australia will be able to legally own semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, pump-action shotguns, large-calibre handguns, and short-barrel handguns again for the legitimate purpose of recreational target shooting. If you are willing to give the pro-gunners and the pro-liberty crowd a 'fair go' then you guys and gals have won a few million allies in your struggle against John Howard.