Sunday 29th of December 2024

Review 210: Was angry before, even angrier now! (Jocelyn Speight)

I've just finished reading your very enlightening book, which I had to keep putting down because I kept becoming so angry at some of the things I was learning. I confess to being a long time Labor voter, so had always had my suspicions about Howard and his government. Now, you have provided confirmation of my suspicions. My main reason for being so angry is that he is robbing my children and grand-child of the right to free and universal education and health care. I also get angry at the thought of how we Australians are now viewed by the rest of the world. I hate the fact that we lock up innocent people whose only crime is trying to obtain a better life by coming here. I have written to several politicians from both sides and phoned up open lines programmes on radio, none of which seems to get me anywhere. So, thank you for the book and I hope thousands of people read it.