Wednesday 5th of February 2025


Some talking heads on radio talk to me

I have no clue about what they bark about

Either I’ve gone dumb, senile or darn silly

They have increased their IQ beyond doubt

Grabbing the grand old word democracy

With little meaning peppered by senseless ideas

In which Trump dot Trump does Trump dot piss

In vain and derision of ugly win galore seems 

Cracking in my deaf ears around the seams

As my comprehension is close to zero-nil

They blab-on non-stop uninterrupted

Without a breath spewing a word-salad meal

A noise made self-important to being them

Rumbling loud as farts on the way to heaven

They do but don’t say it’s my fault Trump got elected

But in these shivering white waves of radio hell

The sword of democracy like a sacred mantra

Reappears flag-bearing a pointed conversation monologue

Economy, lobotomy, astronomy, melancholy puke-extra

Monotonous mosquito buzz from a local bog

Spinning words a turntable microwave oven cooks

Not knowing the truth contents of old good books


A golden SILENCE becomes music to my ears…

My total incomprehension confuses my peers

Who try hard hard to explain from afar too far

Twisted words that ring like dumb-bells of war

Economy lobotomy astrology melancholy gloomed

Mournful sorrowful doleful painful witless

Dejected destroyed dispirited saddened 

In a dumpster dolorous angry joyless

Miserable moony unhappy and aggressed 


On the other radio-tunes where morning comedy

Is rubbish, garbage of words that make blush

Even the most hardened dumb prison bastard

Who killed a neighbour for some cheap custard

All the decent philosophers are dead

Humanity sinking below the dread

The Jewish sewers fill with red blood rush

Women dying bleeding under a bombed haven

The children already departed to heaven


And Trump is the new President…

Makes sense, it has a precedent…


            ROBERT URBANOSKI — 11/11/2024 11:11