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the empire is struck back......Russia Prepares to Respond to the Armageddon Wanted by the Biden Administration Russia has deployed thousands of North Korean* soldiers to defend its Kursk region, attacked in August by Ukrainian integral nationalists. Washington considers this fact as a development of the war it has been waging since 1950, despite a ceasefire, against the Korean and Chinese communists, even more than as a development of the one it has been waging through Ukrainian proxy against Russia since 2022.
by Thierry Meyssan
It therefore responded on November 19 by guiding six ATACMS (Army TACtical Missile System) missiles that it had given to kyiv against Russia [1]. They were directed not only against the Kursk Oblast, but also against the Bryansk Oblast, where they failed to hit an ammunition depot. London, for its part, decided on November 21 to guide the Storm Shadow missiles it gave to kyiv in the same way. All of the allied missiles were destroyed in flight by Russian anti-aircraft defense. On the contrary, Moscow considers the Kursk attack as a continuation of the CIA’s secret war in Ukraine and as the one organized in the 1950s against the USSR, both with the support of Stepan Bandera’s Ukrainian integral nationalists. The West does not understand these events because it has forgotten Beijing’s support for Pyongyang, wrongly thinks that Kursk and Bryansk are in Ukraine and ignores the secret war during which the Anglo-Saxons allied themselves with the last Nazis (which means that it also did not understand the objective of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine). ATACMS missiles can be fired from HIMARS mobile launchers. The latest models have a range of 300 kilometers and fly at an altitude of 50,000 meters. The latest versions of the Storm Shadow missiles, on the other hand, have a range of about 400 kilometers. None can therefore reach deep into Russia. Russia has a wide range of responses to allied attacks It can, in retaliation, support the Anglo-Saxons’ adversaries in another theater of combat. This is what it did, during the bombing of one of its gas pipelines by kyiv, to which it responded by guiding a Yemeni missile, on September 15, which destroyed an Israeli oil pipeline [2] a major event that was covered by Israeli military censorship and ignored by the Western press. On November 19, it modified its nuclear doctrine, leaving open the option of a nuclear response. Finally, it can make use of its military dominance. Ukraine announced that, on November 20, Moscow had fired a long-range ballistic missile (i.e. capable of reaching the United States from Russia), RS-26 Rubezh. We now know that it was something else. Unbeknownst to us, the battlefields of Ukraine and the Middle East have already come together, as the US neoconservatives (the Straussians), the Israeli “revisionist Zionists” [3]; and the Ukrainian “integral nationalists” [4] have allied themselves once again, as in the Second World War. These three groups, historically linked to the Tripatite Axis, are in favor of a final confrontation. The only ones missing are the Japanese militarists of the new Prime Minister, Shigeru Ishiba. Immediately after the launch of the US ATACMS missiles and even before that of the British Storm Shadows, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree promulgating his country’s new nuclear doctrine that he had announced on September 24 [5]. It authorizes the use of nuclear weapons in five new cases: On November 21, that is, after the British launches, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a televised address [6] in which he revealed that the Russian armies had destroyed a Ukrainian military-industrial center, but had not used a conventional RS-26 Rubezh ballistic missile as the Ukrainians had announced. On the other hand, they had tested a new generation of hypersonic weapons, in this case an Oreshnik ballistic missile with nuclear range but conventionally loaded. This one was launched from Astrakhan (Caspian Sea) on a satellite factory in Dnipro. Its speed, greater than Mach 10, currently does not allow any army in the world to intercept it. It combines the capabilities of the old Iskander missiles and the new Kinjal missiles with even greater speed and maneuverability. President Putin recalled that Russia, without being obliged to do so, continues to respect the INF Treaty from which the United States withdrew in 2019 [7]. The Pentagon, which is very behind from a technical point of view, has redeployed intermediate-range missiles in Europe and Asia-Pacific, as at the time of the Euromissile crisis, while Russia produces them, but does not deploy them. Vladimir Putin then warned the West by suggesting that civilians leave dangerous areas that Russia could strike with nuclear-charged Oreshnik missiles. This speech may not be followed by attacks and its sole objective may be to show Russian military superiority over the West, already recognized in July by the US National Commission on Defense Strategy, established by Congress when the 2022 military planning law was adopted [8]. Its only effect will then be to boost Russian arms sales. In any case, the world has never been so close to a nuclear war because there have never been several nuclear powers, one of which is clearly technically ahead of all the others. On November 22, President Putin gathered missile system developers and arms industry leaders [9]. He congratulated them on the success of Oreshnik and asked them to mass produce it. Thierry Meyssan
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