Monday 10th of February 2025

the YD continuum since 2005....

After Adam and Eve were created by godot, the world-order became iffy, starting with Cain killing Abel… We will skip the catalogued fictionalised story of humanity in the bible until we arrive at Jesus Christ, orator “exceptionel” who urged Christianity to go and teach the word of god to all the people on earth — and died on a bit of wood to erase our sins as long as we believe. I don’t, but this is beside the point.

How do you teach the word of god if you don’t bash people on the head first? Exactly. 

So this was an invitation to conquer the planet on behalf of a fake idea that is totally unscientific in regard to evolution of the human species from the tree of monkeys, the upwardly mobile apes. 

Nations obliged. Religious wars prevailed and in 1667, some pilgrims came to the land we now call America. Soon this land was under the domination of the Anglo/saxons from England. Some of the new inhabitants became rich by stealing the land and turkeys from the original owners of the place. 

By strange coincidence, the French who did not like the English decided to help the “new Americans”, who did not want to pay taxes, to get rid of the Poms. Interesting note: while the American revolution was organised by these rich dudes for the rich class, the French revolution a few year later was instigated by the poor people for the poor people....

Soon the French government discovered that these new Americans did not want to pay the bill for having been helped in their noble cause of not paying taxes. The Yanks (not yet Yanks but who cares) invented a false flag event called the XYZ affair in order to not a pay a cent to the French — and as soon as this was in the bag, they invented the DOLLAR…. 

Thus began the New Word Order as inscribed on this currency. Yet it took till 1970 to replace the “gold standard” of exchange between world nations with the DOLLAR. This financial WORLDWIDE event was BIGGER than the American Revolution and the Civil War (1850-1856), plus the destruction of the twin towers in 2001 and the small skirmish of the six of January 2021 combined...

The changing of trust from gold to the DOLLAR was only one of the planned steps in the conquest of the world started in 1776, by a budding American Empire… 


The New World (dis)Order was on its way to you.

Step one: Anneus Coptis…. 

Step two: The US constitution with “FREEDOM” to make your life a misery if you are not American or a slave. 

STEP THREE: THE ANGLO/SAXON HEGEMONY now allied with the British.

Step four: rob the Arabs.

Step five: destroy Germany’s will of independence (twice). Pander to the French: blow sweet nothing in their ears. Try to kill recalcitrants like THE GENERAL DE GAULLE...

Step six: swallow Japan, Australia, New Zealand as “friends” and agglomerate other countries under a big stick: NATO. This to counter the idea of sharing the spoils as equally as much as possible. The DOLLAR is exclusive and designed to make rich (mostly devious psychopathic) people rich and keep poor people in a state of semi-slavery as full slavery is not legalised yet (it used to be legal but moralistic godly morons stopped it).

Step seven: destroy RUSSIA (planned since 1917) and CHINA (in progress since the Opium wars)....


This is the situation in the continuum we're at.

Of course, there is documented evidence of all of this.

One MAJOR problem for the Anglo/Saxon hegemony is a little guy in Russia who is aware of all this crap…. His name is PUTIN. Trump will try to "sort him out" this year...





Gus Leonisky is my pseudonym on, like Voltaire was that of François-Marie Arouet…….

20 YEARS !…. Nearly 30,000 cartoons, more than 150 million words posted in more than 600,000 articles and comments, of which some 20 million words have been my own writing, and I’m still operational (despite being old) — often using other pseudonyms to publish cartoons in different styles and other written works.

My first cartoons were done in Europe, 1951, under a different name.

Since these first cartoons, I drew and painted comic strips, and I did some cartoons for TV shows and books in Australia — from the 1970s until the birth of Gus Leonisky....

My chosen style for Gus Leonisky's work has been somewhat crass, but quite direct in purpose…




— Philosophy concerning the human condition

— the planetary synergies (including global warming)

— the cosmic influences (including quantum theory)

— the scientific study of whom we are in this environment

— A humanistic and atheistic morality

— The importance of languages — including arts

— the values of cultures and diversity without imposition

— the elimination of fascism and nazism

— suppressing the excesses of capitalism

— promoting equality and friendship

— eliminating godly-chosen beliefs

— finding agreeable exchange values

— happiness from cradle to grave

— avoid “fence-sitting” even if making wrong choices

— eliminating sexism and racism

— exposing the mediocre mass media de mierda

— eliminating crooked revisionism of history



— since the 1960s, [since 2005 on YD] exposing the “American Empire” hypocritical ways

— promoting self-determination in most cases

— a pro-Russian and pro-Chinese outlook when necessary

— promoting peace — including “unpalatable” solutions:

—— one China policy

—— splitting Ukraine in Russian and “Galician” portions

—— a two state Palestinian/Israeli acceptance

—— de-colonialism of Africa

—— de-weaponisation of the dollar

—— multiplicity of world financial exchange

—— removal of unilateral sanctions

—— exposing the AUKUS madness

— other issues as required...



— journalists — many sources, from Pilger, Escobar to Julian Assange

— philosophers — from Virgil to Derida (a bit loony though)

— CIA retirees, including Larry Johnson and Ray MacGovern

— others such as Scott Ritter and the team at The Duran

— and plenty more at RT, Sputnik and NEO

— ALL the scientists I had the fortune to work with

— family and friends (even in “contradiction” on some issues)

— my own failures that pushed me to re-imagine

— my cartooning skills since 1951

— my artistic endeavours since 1950

the management/patrons of this site






         Gus Leonisky