It's about time somebody started standing up to these so-called leaders. If they can't LEAD this great land of ours, in the interests for ALL Australians then they have to go, it's as simple as that! How about the way John Howard treated the George Bush visit, to me that looked like just plain contempt towards Australians and our media. He wanted to show the Australian public that he could do any thing he wanted, when he wanted to.
As for the book as a whole, it is a GODsend for those who have been on the receiving end of any form of injustice, as I have! What is happening in the political arena, with the continual erosion of our democratic rights and the non-existent accountability checks and balances for politicians is a sign that Australians would do best to heed. They've sold off most of the country's assets, run our industries into the ground, the tax system is designed in a way to benefit the wealthy, our indigenous peoples live in third world conditions, there's more and more Australians living on the streets and many families (in spite of the recent quick-fix bribe) are living well below the poverty line. On top of all this they splash taxpayers' money around like it's theirs.
Something has to be done before it's too late. I like the NHJ! suggestion about a Federal Watchdog Commission, but once again there's nothing stopping them from putting in place one of their cronies.
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