Friday 3rd of January 2025

Taking responsibility ourselves (Kit Choy Lee)

Dear Margo,

I bought your book 'Not Happy John' yesterday after hearing about the NHJ launch - and started to read with earnest.

I am a New Australian ( not that new though I spent 20 years of my life in Australia - almost 50% ). During this time, I learnt that New Australians must contribute in the political life of their adopted home - it's true - we get the government we deserve. In Asia, many people have long given up and become indifferent in their because of the oppressive political regimes they lived in. Failing to act, they therefore inherit the consequences of their inaction.

This must not happen in Australia. A country's greatness is due to its people and Australia is a great country because Australians are honest, warm in their friendships, charitable and compassionate to the needy and always honorable in their words and conduct. But this is changing owing to the poor leadership we have. And we must stop it.

Recently I wrote Tony Abbott saying that the Howard's government robbed so much of our dignity as a people. It did so many things totally at odds with what is Australian. The Howard government is now bribing us for another term so that it can continue to do these terrible things to us. I then asked Tony, what gains a man when he has the whole world but loses his soul ? What gains Australia if she has the whole world but she loses her soul?

In other words,what's the point of us having more money, ( less inflation, lower unemployment better economics ) if the price is our dignity, self-respect, the respect of other nations, our humanity and the Australian spirit ? If we are willing to lose these precious things, then we had better be careful.....because what we are really saying is that every other thing about us ( which is even less precious ) are far more easily for's just a matter of price. Therefore, I reject John Howard's Faustian offer....and I hope many other Australians too.
