Friday 3rd of January 2025

Abbott not Costello will get Howard's job if they're reelected (Marion King)


Thank you so much for being outraged enough to pen your book. I found it intensely interesting and very readable - I'm going to be buying copies to send to Aussie relatives and friends living as expats, as well as those at home, to ensure that people can consider themselves 'educated' about the machinations of Canberra, career politicians and the 'big' media.

I thought that you and others (Latham included) would be interested to know that apparently when Howard (finally) goes it won't be Costello assuming the Liberal Party leadership. I have been told that a senior Liberal Party member was heard to say that Abbott - not Costello - has sufficient Caucus support to be Howard's successor. (I know this sounds all a bit vague, but the retelling of the comment - made at the Tourism policy relaunch a few months ago - is completely reliable).

I don't know about you, but I can imagine few more disturbing scenarios than Tony Abbott as an Opposition Leader, let alone Prime Minister.

Please get this info into Webdiary - Labor are right, people do need to know who they are really voting for.

Kind regards,
Marion King