Sunday 9th of March 2025

pulped .....

pulped .....

All those pundits out there who have been saying construction of the Gunns pulp mill is a foregone conclusion obviously forgot something. ANZ has pulled out of financing the controversial project.  

Premier of Tasmania, Paul Lennon, has also quit largely due to his unpopular & relentless pursuit of the mill - the project is on a knife's edge, but the battle is not over 

That's why GetUp is planning two full-page newspaper ads - one in the Financial Review to definitively warn off any other potential financiers & one in Tasmania's Mercury to tell the new Premier to distance himself from the old. Click here to see these arresting ads & chip in to get them in print: 

Getting ANZ, Gunns' banker for over 20 years, to withdraw from its plans to fund the mill was an amazing achievement. Not only does this put the pulp mill project in serious jeopardy, it also sends a clear message to all other potential financiers considering financing the mill. 

But Gunns have been busy approaching other banks to step into ANZ's shoes. GetUp needs to let them know that financing the mill is risky business & that the public won't let them off the hook.  

That's why GetUp is putting it in the paper they read each day. They've booked the ads & just need your help in paying for them. 

If they raise $15,000 they'll run the Mercury ad. If they raise $40,000 they'll run the FInancial Review ad. If they raise $55,000 - they'll run both.