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valueless .....Can you imagine the outcry if an Australian city council rejected a proposal to build a Jewish school? You don’t need to imagine. Anyone who dares to utter a single word against it will be labelled “anti-Semitic”. Australian politicians from the Prime Minister and his herd to the herd of the Opposition would be outraged by such an “Un-Australian” decision. However, when an application for an Islamic school was rejected, the support for bigotry was unanimous. On May 27, 2008 the Camden Council, in South-west of Sydney, voted unanimously against a plan to build an Islamic school for 1,200 Muslim and non-Muslim students on “planning grounds”. Of course, it is a falsehood. The Council decision was politically motivated anti-Muslims bigotry. The councillors were coerced and forced to vote against the proposed Islamic school. Local city councils in Australia are bought and sold. They are Mafia-like syndicates for wheeling and dealing at the expense of the Australian people. One only needs to take a look at the Wollongong Council, before opening a can of worms. Former Sydney lord Mayor Jeremy Bingham who is acting as a consultant for the Quranic Society (the developer of the Islamic school) rightly accused the Camden Council of playing divisive form of politics and using small group of ill-informed ignorant Anglo-Australians in a bid to get re-elected.
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