Friday 3rd of January 2025

bushwhacked .....

bushwhacked .....

The banks are bankrupted.  

The government's debt has been pawned off to the Chinese.  

The nation's military, under the weight and demands of the Iraq disaster, is about to shatter into something like a gajillion bits 'n pieces.  

Millions upon millions of people have, due to foreclosures, lost their homes.  

Gas is hovering around $4 per-gallon and threatening to climb higher.  

The so-called Big Three auto makers are on the verge of financial ruin.  

People are losing their jobs at an ever-increasing clip. Inflation is headed toward the moon.  

The Bush administration has turned the Department of Justice into a partisan Soviet-like political opposition attack machine.  

The country's bridges are literally falling over.  

Corporations own and control the news that the American people are allowed to be made privy to … or, perhaps, aren't allowed to be made aware of.

This goes without saying, corporations have bought-n-paid for EVERY member of Congress, which leaves the people without any real representation.  

Yet, while all the horses of the American apocalypse have long ago escaped the barn, the corporate-owned media obsesses over whether or not Barack Obama wears a "Made in China" flag pin on his lapel, or which church Barack Obama does or doesn't attend, or how poor a bowler Barack Obama happens to be, or … .  

The Cowboy & Election '08