Sunday 5th of January 2025

stupid is as stupid does .....

stupid is as stupid does .....

Americans used to have a love affair with intelligence. Parents and their parents and their parent's parents worked hard to provide funding for schools that ensured all children received the best possible education.

Reading a book was considered important. Writing skill meant something. The ability to comprehend math was considered vital.  

The nation's Founding Fathers employed their vast intellect and historical understanding to avoid the post-revolutionary violence that had always, until then, occurred following the overthrow of a ruling government and, having studied the shortcomings of both Greek and Roman democracies, the Founders used their knowledge to ensure a balance of power between the various branches of government. That was then—when intelligence meant something. 

Sadly, this is now: 

Today, in this America, ignorance seems to be the rallying cry. Whereas the once great American thirst for knowledge culminated in putting boot upon the moon's pristine surface, today's America seeks to elevate the principle of blind and willful stupidity. What is this America's greatest goal? Its goal is to erase science from the classrooms and in its stead, to return 'creationism' to the educational system. Returning the nation's knowledge base to pre-reformation, medieval ignorance—this is today's America! 

In today's America, the only thing that is given greater weight and import than its new desire for ignorance and stupidity is the pride and vigor with which it celebrates its love for this ignorance and stupidity. What else could explain the recent swoon regarding Sarah Palin—a woman, whose ignorance is proudly held aloft? A woman, who is for teaching creationism; for the extinction of polar bears; for, while her own daughter pays the horrific price, teaching "abstinence-only" in schools; and someone, like George W. Bush, who doesn't think global warming is caused by human actions. 

The American people are in the midst of a love affair with their well cultivated, well tended and hard earned ignorance—and the fruits of this affair are on display from the state of the educational system to the disastrous war in Iraq and right on through to the nation's crippling debt and imploding economy. Turns out that Forest Gump was right after all, stupid is as stupid does. 

Courtesy Progressive Daily Beacon