Friday 3rd of January 2025

from the pious boys' choir .....

from the pious boys' choir .....

The Federal Opposition Leader, Malcolm Turnbull, is taking a hard line on the Government's Budget legislation in the Senate. 

Government Budget measures, including the inceased luxury car tax, are still stuck in the Senate.  

Today Mr Turnbull offered bipartisan support to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd over the global financial meltdown.

'We're prepared to offer real leadership with him if he's prepared to sit down with us,' he said.  

Mr Rudd's retort was that the Senate is the place where he wants to see cooperation. 

He says $600 million of Government Budget measures are being blocked. Mr Turnbull denies the Opposition is vandalising the surplus.  

'It is in the context of a $300 billion-a-year budget. It's a very small amount of money,' he said. 

Mr Rudd says Malcolm Turnbull is wrong - $600 million is a lot of money. 

Opposition Denies Vandalising Budget Surplus