Thursday 16th of January 2025

bugger off barack .....

bugger off barack .....

Barack Obama, the US president, has condemned as "unjust" the Iranian government's treatment of protesters disputing results of the recent presidential poll.

Obama said the international community was "appalled and outraged" by what he said were the "threats, beatings, and imprisonments" of demonstrators.

"I have made it clear that the United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is not interfering in Iran's affairs,'' he said during a news conference at the White House on Tuesday.

"But we must also bear witness to the courage and dignity of the Iranian people, and to a remarkable opening within Iranian society. And we deplore violence against innocent civilians anywhere that it takes place.''

How pathetic .....

This from a man who remained mute in the face of Israel's military aggression against defenceless Palestinian civilians ....

While this latest Potomac phoney, who has so far betrayed every election promise he made to the American people, mouthed his self-righteous platitudes about the internal affairs of another sovereign nation, Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, was authorizing the building of 300 new homes in the West Bank, defying US calls for a halt to settlement growth .... but not a word from Barack.

While Barak sought to lecture Iran on human rights, hundreds of Israeli demonstrators prevented the entrance of dozens of food aid-laden trucks into the democratically elected - Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip - on Tuesday .... but not a peep from Barack.

While Barack continued his desperate pretence that the world still cares what he or the US thinks, Israel stepped up sales of the property of Palestinians who fled or were driven out in 1948, contrary to both Israeli & international law.

And whilst the head phoney the world's most corrupt country sought to lecture Iran, Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, praised Iranians protesting against the election results & said Tehran's "aggressive & violent" behaviour made it the greatest threat to world peace.

What a confounded cheek this phoney pony has to lecture anyone on their behaviour. President of the country that gave us Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay; leader of a nation whose military has laid waste to one of the world's oldest civilisations just to steal its oil & gas reserves & whose government has condoned the murder of more than 100 prisoners by "interrogation" .... a government that has abused, twisted & perverted the very meaning of justice in every conceivable way.

So what gives Barack Obama or the US the right to lecture anyone on the planet about how they might live or run their affairs?

Isn't the simple truth that it is only the world's fear of US military might that empowers Barack & his backers?

The simple truth is that there are only seven things in which the US leads the world ..... Military spending, exporting weapons to other countries, carbon dioxide emissions (a primary cause of global warming), prison population and incarcaration rates, oil consumption., illegal military interventions in other countries & its level of foreign debt (US$13.6 trillion)!!!

The Founding Fathers would sure be impressed with that.

So bugger off Barack .....

Until you & your ugly countrymen clean-up your own obscene & corrupt act, don't presume that you have any credibility with anyone ... until you demonstrate the moral responsibility to charge Bushit & the rest of his cronies for the war crimes they have committed & until you & your government reign-in the criminal behaviour of your satraps, no-one cares what you think .... & nor should they.