Saturday 4th of May 2024

nathan, nothing, nada, nix .....

nathan, nothing, nada, nix .....

What has been Rees's solution to the state's problems in almost 12 months as Premier?

Every week he comes up with another ridiculous plan, such as closing down the Harbour Bridge for a day, covering it with astro turf and inviting Sydneysiders to have breakfast on it. Apart from the inconvenience to motorists, it's the least attractive picnic venue in town. For one thing the railings are so high no one sitting on a picnic blanket will be able to see any of the view, just railway tracks and anti-suicide wire.

Among his more memorable "reforms" was an inquiry into the "giant black panther" supposedly stalking Sydney's west, and he banned bottled water from government departments.

This week he had Housing NSW wanting to force out Housing Commission residents in the inner west to make room for a new development for homeless people.

Last month, during an address to scientists at the Eureka awards, Rees likened climate sceptics to Nazi appeasers.

In what was supposed to be the Premier's goodwill message for National Flag Day next month he laid an egg by urging the flag be changed, the exact wrong message at the wrong time.