Wednesday 1st of January 2025

"aussie tony" - war criminal .....

"aussie tony" - war criminal .....

The first public hearings of the Iraq Inquiry began yesterday amid protests outside demanding that Tony Blair & Gordon Brown be held to account for war crimes, which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis & 179 British troops.

Joining the protest were representatives from Military Families Against the War, reminding the inquiry committee of the anger felt by many relatives of British soldiers killed in Iraq.

Sir John Chilcot, the chairman of the inquiry, insisted that it will not be a whitewash but the committee - the five members of which were all hand picked by Gordon Brown - looks like it      was set up with exactly that purpose.

Leaked secret government reports that prove "aussie tony's" serial lying throughout 2002, as he repeatedly denied there were any preparations for war, will make it difficult for the enquiry to deny that Parliament & the British public were mislead.

But the logical conclusion that Blair or anyone in his government should be indicted on the basis of such evidence has already been discounted by Chilcot, despite the majority of bereaved military families having already told his committee that this is the outcome they expect if war crimes are proven.