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run for your lives .....from Crikey ..... Dog's Democracy: only 15,000 years to go Mungo said this in Crikey today: "Never has the prime ministership of Australia been contested by such a pair of abject, craven, weak-kneed, whey-faced, chicken-hearted, lily-livered, jelly-bellied milksops." I think he is being a bit harsh. Julia has a lovely complexion and is not at all whey-faced. And as for Tony, he is Mr Rugged Scrunchy-Face! Other than that Mungo is spot on. Seriously, this is not the face of a Prime Minister. It's the face of a Space Pirate! The Name of the Rose meets the Fifth Element. It has electrifying, gritty badness written all over it. Run for your lives.
What an excellent photo - all sinister and Da Vinci Code (a bit scary and a bit crap at the same time). As for her Royal Redness, this photo is hilarious. Doesn't really look like a Prime Minister either. But one is, and the other one isn't.
But all is not lost, dear reader, chin up! The object of the exercise is to get elected. Nothing more nothing less. The view within both parties is that it is a means to an end and tiddly pom. We can't save the world in opposition can we Rufus no we cannot. So we'll bang on like chicken-kneed milk-hearts until the election and then ZIP TINKLE SPROING! we will emerge more better different! Maybe all is lost. Welcome to market driven politics in the 21st century. I certainly look forward to the Real Julia Gillard returning after the election, not this glossy, bulldog wielding simulacra. I remember we all hoped Kevin would turn out to be something other than a robotic prig and we were disappointed there. Therese was nice though. Still is probably. But there is always hope, and if there is no hope there is and endless parade of numbing distractions including the Goodies on ABC2 at 8pm! Kitten Kong!
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