Friday 20th of September 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

you're welcome...


A former High Court justice would swap 10 judges for one honest homosexual like singer Ricky Martin, a conference in Brisbane has been told.

Michael Kirby, former Justice of the High Court of Australia, opened and closed his keynote address at the second International Queer Studies Conference on Thursday by playing Martin's song Livin' La Vida Loca.

Justice Kirby, who revealed he was gay while serving on the High Court, praised the singer for coming out about his homosexuality.

emerging from the foam in alice springs...

Abbott's togs to hang at Alice pub

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's bright red swimming trunks and cap will be put on display in an Alice Springs pub.

Mr Abbott made the outfit famous when he wore them in a race.

Avril Vaughn owns a pub in Alice Springs and bought the ensemble in an online charity auction for $3,400.

The money raised from the sale has gone to the Spastic Centre.

"Alice is full of fun-loving people and they I'm sure will see it for the bit of fun that it is, and a donation to a great cause," she said.

life beyond the toons...

abbott and the brains...

Mr Abbott was generous in his praise of Mr Turnbull.

"In just two terms, Malcolm has scaled the commanding heights of Australian politics,’’ a statement from Mr Abbott read.

‘‘Malcolm has brought to all his public roles extraordinary determination, considerable personal charisma and great intellectual consistency.

"Personally, I have enjoyed his friendship since university days and look forward to doing so for many years to come."

of false crusades...


Religious leaders have used their Good Friday sermons to launch an attack on what they call a recent surge in atheism.

Thousands of Christians crowded into churches this morning to mark the solemn Christian festival of Good Friday.

Sydney Anglican Archbishop Peter Jensen told his congregation atheism is not the rational philosophy that it claims to be.

Dr Jensen told the congregation that atheism is as much of a religion as Christianity.

mr negativity...


Mr Abbott blamed the Labor Party for the focus on his persona rather than policies.

"What we are seeing is an orchestrated campaign from the Labor Party to try to play the man and not the ball," he said.

"We saw a classic case of this on the weekend, you had the prime minister tweeting best wishes to me as I was involved in a major community event while you had his ministers out there, in what was plainly an orhcestrated way, suggesting that there was something wrong with a senior politician competing in a triathlon."

in ironic water...


From the ABC

Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce says comments he made yesterday poking fun at the Productivity Commission were meant to be ironic.

In his new role as Opposition spokesman for regional development, infrastructure and water, Senator Joyce has been quick to have a crack at the Government.

But already he has had to qualify his comments.

Yesterday he joked that he used Productivity Commission reports when he runs out of toilet paper.

"These people actually did read the Productivity Commission reports," he said. "I use them when I run out of toilet paper, but they actually use them."

The ultimate challenge...

ultimate challenge...
Rattled Rudd in fear, says Abbott


KEVIN RUDD is ''rattled'' by the Coalition's resurgence and ''is in fear of his political life'', Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says.

ad vitam eternam nauseum...

cover up

The Vatican has denied the Catholic Church covered up a case of a priest accused of molesting 200 deaf boys in the US from the 1950s to the 1970s.

It has been alleged the Vatican ordered a church trial of Father Lawrence Murphy be stopped, after the priest wrote a letter to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - now Pope Benedict.

Arthur Budzinski, 61, says he was repeatedly molested at the St John's School for the Deaf in suburban Milwaukee 40 years ago.

His daughter Gigi says it has had a huge impact on the whole family.

getting more shadowy by the minute...


From the ABC

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has denied Barnaby Joyce was forced to stand down from the finance portfolio after being white-anted by some of his own colleagues.

Senator Joyce was sacked from the Opposition finance portfolio yesterday, with Victorian Liberal Andrew Robb getting the job as Mr Abbott reshuffled his frontbench.

This morning Senator Joyce took another swipe at anonymous Coalition figures who he says have mounted an anonymous briefing campaign against him.

"Obviously it's disappointing when you have colleagues who are anonymous," he told ABC2.

budging deck chairs...


Former Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has declared the Coalition is back in the political game under Tony Abbott's leadership.

The Opposition Leader has dumped Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce from the finance portfolio, replacing him with Victorian Liberal Andrew Robb.

Labor has attacked the move, saying Mr Abbott lacks economic credibility for not dumping Senator Joyce sooner, while the Coalition says the Government should feel threatened.

the daleks are coming...

‘Everything will be shit’ including the BBC if David Cameron becomes PM, says Stephen Moffat


By Rachel Helyer Donaldson

The boss of one of the BBC's biggest shows has launched an extraordinary attack on the Conservative party, saying that a win for David Cameron's party would see the "brilliant" BBC turn to "shit".

clean bill of health...

10 states line up to sue over health bill, Florida AG says


(CNN) -- Ten states plan to file a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the new health care reform bill, Florida's attorney general announced Monday.

unscientific mumbo jumbo...


Don't believe a politician who tells you the worm is a harmless distraction, or a TV toy they ignore.

In the words of Greg Turnbull, a former adviser to both Paul Keating and Kim Beazley: "The worm they regard as completely unscientific mumbo jumbo - except when it supports you."

Viewers who tuned in to today's lunchtime debate got a contest that on one side at least, pandered to the worm.

Did you notice Kevin Rudd's opening gambit?

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