Sunday 9th of March 2025

move over uncle tom .....

move over uncle tom .....

US President Barack Obama has slammed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's September 11 conspiracy theory comments at the United Nations as ''offensive'' and ''hateful''.

In his first comments on the Iranian leader's statement that the 2001 terrorist attacks on America may have been orchestrated to bolster the US economy and ''save the Zionist regime'', Mr Obama told BBC Persian that ''for him to make a statement like that was inexcusable''.

US and European diplomats walked out of the UN General Assembly hall on Friday when Mr Ahmadinejad delivered his remarks about the September 11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon.

Envoys representing Australia, Canada, Costa Rica and New Zealand also left during the speech.

The interview with BBC Persian is part of Mr Obama's

Obama blasts Iran leader over 'outrageous, offensive' 9/11 comments

well, Obama can get stuck into Ahmadinejad as much as he likes but, in doing so, he is conveniently ignoring the fact that more than a third of Americans suspect 9-11 was a government conspiracy

And whilst Obama's remarks about the leader of Iran feature centre page, the purpose of the UN Conference that both leaders were attending is conveniently relegated to the back page, just as the US wants it to be .....

The event was a UN Conference to reflect on the much vaunted but substantially underachieved Millennium Goals (remember them) for the formerly militarily invaded enslaved, occupied & exploited nations of the non-white majority of mankind.

In the best traditions of Uncle Tom, Obama, a black American president, backed by Wall Street & serving its investment bankers & the military-industrial crime family, leading cowardly & murderous wars in various innocent Muslim nations, had the balls to lecture the General Assembly on morality, but not a peep from the mainstream media commentariate about that hypocritical effort.

No sirree, in a half-hour long speech Obama managed to avoid mention of the very purpose of the 65th Meeting of the General Assembly dedicated to saving the lives of those who will starve to death or die of preventable diseases & live in poverty this year & in the foreseeable future ..... a poverty that was created by the brutal racist exploitation of industrialized & weaponised colonialist nations in previous centuries that continue their exploitation through financial institutions controlled by the US & its allies.

Right off, in the best traditions of zionist victimhood, we heard about 9/11, as if that would justify the unmentioned US invasions of the nations of Afghanistan & Iraq, & the bombing of Pakistan, Somalia & Yemen.

Then the delegates were subjected to a list of America's belligerent foreign policy concerns, wrapped in the usual self-serving pap on how good America is. For the umpteenth time, Obama regaled the world about how wrong Iran is to refuse to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is not lying when it repeats over & over again that it does not desire nuclear weapons (like the US does).

Then, the stern tone of voice explaining, justifying, the illegal economic sanctions the US has arranged, as if the world did not know of Eisenhower having Kermit Roosevelt lead the CIA in the false flag overthrow of Iranian democracy & install a US oil companies friendly dictatorship; as if people listening to him had forgotten Ronald Reagan's backing Saddam Hussein's devastatingly cruel eight year war attacking Iran; as if all these knowledgeable diplomats had forgotten that Pakistan & India did not sign on to the non-proliferation treaty & now, aided & abetted by the US, threaten the world & each other with nuclear winter.

Whilst Obama lectures Ahmadinejad on his 'offensive' remarks, in what kind of bad taste were his remarks to the General Assembly, of which the government of the Peoples Republic of Korea is a member; to have the arrogance to malign its government, after the US had once invaded & bombed it flat, killing a million people, whilst he preaches peace, but brags in passing how the US is able to use less troops now due to its success with modern technology (unmanned Predator Drone Hellfire Missile strikes).

Before the rather repetitious boasting of American democratic ideals ad infinitum, we are treated to the deft dropping of a phrase here, a phrase there, within pious talk of how desirable peace in Palestine is. Again, as if the delegates are not aware of the yearly billions of dollars in US military subsidy of Israel, & of US votes against all UN resolutions requiring Israel to stop its hurtful policies toward the Palestinians. The rockets into Israel are mentioned gravely. Without saying so, those occasional rockets justify the wiping out of 500 Palestinian children among 1,000 adults & the murder of nine Turks in international waters on that mercy ship headed for Gaza.

To formally give the pretence of showing compassion toward the Palestinians, Obama bravely affirmed his preference that the temporary freeze on new Jewish settlements be "extended" .... not a word about this illegal activity being halted .... no sign of any sanctions here folks.

And whilst some of the allies of the US walked out on Ahmadinejad's speech, including our own lapdog government, we can only wonder what message the empty chairs of the Israeli delegation during Obama's speech was meant to convey? Was it some kind of ploy to make it appear there was a rift in the sixty-five year old tight unity of Israeli and US homicidal foreign policy - & thereby give the impression that the US could somehow come to be a even-handed and fair third party in the peace negotiations .... or is it just that the zionists don't care what their potomac puppet says anyway?

Whilst the world is invited to condemn Ahmadinejad, we could do worse than reflect on the awful, ungracious, discourteous & pompous effort of the US President, who succeeded only in demonstrating that the US not only never learns from history but is blindly determined to try & rule the world, just as it has always been.

Obama is no better than Bush & the Gillard government no better than its predecessors for supporting this criminal enterprise.

what price the rent-boy .....

More than 3000 Australian soldiers and airmen have been killed or wounded in joint operations with the US in Vietnam, Iraq, Iraq again, and now Afghanistan. There were many reasons for Australia deploying forces to these wars but the most important was to maintain the strategic alliance with the US, regarded as the ultimate safeguard of Australian security.

The cost of the alliance needs to be reviewed. The maintenance of the ''special relationship'' has become more like an obsessive-compulsive disorder in Canberra. This is the perfect week to step back, following the news from Washington on Friday that President Barack Obama has dropped plans to visit Australia.

I don't blame Obama for dropping Australia. Why on earth would he want to come here? We are not Muslims. We are not a billion people. We don't cause problems. We don't blow up Americans. Australia is the only country in the world that has sent its soldiers into battle beside American forces in every major war the US has fought over the past 100 years. The only one. Australia is such an iron-clad, implacably reliable ally that we can be taken for granted.

As such, it is time to stop wasting Australian lives on oiling the wheels of American favour. There has never been a compelling case for Australia to engage in war after war in the Middle East, an area far from our sphere of influence or major trading partners. The image of Australia as an American surrogate no longer serves our national interests.

Even worse, we can be treated as a lapdog with impunity.

Australian prime ministers have been starstruck by the pomp of imperial Washington. John Howard was seduced. So was Kevin Rudd. And Australian soldiers were duly requested by Washington and duly dispatched to fight in American wars.

Afghanistan Is A Corrupt Failed State

the amerikan way .....

"We also know from experience that those who defend these [universal] values for their people have been our closest friends and allies, while those who have denied those rights - whether terrorist groups or tyrannical governments - have chosen to be our adversaries."

President Barak Obama lying to the United Nations General Assembly

It would be difficult to name a single brutal dictatorship of the Western world in the second half of the 20th Century that was not supported by the US: not only supported, but often put into power & kept in power against the wishes of their people. And in recent years as well, Washington has supported very repressive governments, such as Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Kosovo, Burma, Colombia, & Israel.

As to terrorist groups being adversaries of the US - another item for the future Barack Obama Presidential Library the US has supported terrorist groups for decades, just as they've supported US foreign policy.

And, as for the amerikan way, here's another report that should anger your very soul ....

Exposing yet another black page in its history, the U.S. government acknowledged Friday that its scientists had infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis in experiments conducted from 1946 to 1948 in "appalling violations" of medical ethics.

Under the experiments, U.S. scientists sent prostitutes infected with syphilis into a Guatemalan prison, mental health hospital and army barracks to test possible cures.

"Although these events occurred more than 64 years ago, we are outraged that such reprehensible research could have occurred under the guise of public health," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a joint statement.

"We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices."

The statement said current regulations prohibit such "appalling violations" of ethics regarding human medical research and added that the two departments would launch "a thorough investigation" of the 1946-1948 tests in Guatemala.

US Admits It Infected Guatemalans With Syphilis in 1940s