Saturday 11th of January 2025

the dingoes of canberra...


Prime Minister Julia Gillard has responded with a firm "no" to claims she has been involved in "back alley bitchiness" over her spat with Tony Abbott about visiting Afghanistan.

Coalition frontbencher Christopher Pyne yesterday suggested Ms Gillard was using "back alley bitchiness" to hurt the Opposition Leader.

"It's not my intention to add to this matter in any way, shape or form," Ms Gillard told the Queensland Press Club today.

the lib-thugs in the back-alley...

Prime Minister Julia Gillard will next week kick off a parliamentary debate on the Afghanistan war, after bitter exchanges over political leaders' visits to the war zone.

Ms Gillard will deliver a speech in parliament after question time on Tuesday, followed by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Ms Gillard promised to hold a parliamentary debate on the war during her talks with the Australian Greens on forming minority government.

Mr Abbott and coalition frontbenchers have renewed their attacks over Labor's "political ambush" of the opposition leader's visit to Afghanistan.

But Ms Gillard has again denied any attempt to embarrass Mr Abbott.

Coalition frontbencher Christopher Pyne suggested Ms Gillard was using "back-alley bitchiness" to hurt the opposition leader which was reflected in a Newspoll published on Tuesday.

The poll showed Mr Abbott's performance rating had slipped from 48 per cent to 39 per cent between early September and last weekend.

Another frontbencher Senator George Brandis described Ms Gillard's stance as "sub-prime ministerial behaviour".

The only danger we face as a nation is the Murdoch Media.

It is simply amazing to watch and read the Murdoch tactic of "do whatever the situation requires to protect our boy Tony".  At the same time Abbott seems blessed with the almost silent media attitude to the "Mad Monk's" return to normal by demonstrating his incompetence to make decisions even with all of the necessary information.

IMHO there is no doubt that Julia Gillard is still trying her best to make this government work while Murdoch/Abbott/Corporations and the ABC are trying to wreck her attempts and her government because THEY don't want her people friendly policies.

The real Tony Abbott has been hiding since the election campaign started.  He was warned NOT to answer questions (foot in mouth syndrome) and only to make statements which may or, more likely, WILL NOT be truthful any way.  His protection comes from the most power crazy political animal and Media Baron perhaps in the world's history, Rupert Murdoch.  Without Abbott's deal with the "powers that be", especially the "opinions" in a national newspaper insultingly called the Australian and echoed by his other triumphs of misinformation, even with satellites.

It is somewhat comforting though to notice that various news providers in England and in the US may just be seeing the inevitable result of absolute power and how it functions in “democracies” by the corrupt methods used by Absolute Power.

Firstly, the issue of visiting our troops in Afghanistan.  Abbott’s answers to questions were as usual quick thoughts from a brainless incompetent. He was then more advised in his answers to his good time buddy Alan Jones and I cannot remember him being personally interviewed by any non corrupted journalist on camera.

While he and his mincing poodle make statements for publication, some demeaning and even defamatory to our entire Australian Defence Force and its commanders without justification – the Australian senior Officers have had precious little media support in their absolutely correct procedures regarding the three Diggers who I believe, were forced to return fire in their own defence with hand grenades and rifles.  It would be better for all concerned if the sensationalist media would mind its own business and let the proper Authorities handle this case.

I wonder just how many “How much backyard bitchiness … from low rent Wives… happens in Pyne’s electorate?” Since he is the expert?

The Legal process required in the case in question is dealt with by a special department independent of the ADF hierarchy.  Typical of the asexual Alan Jones is his comment (for the betterment of humankind) that the Officer in charge of the procedures, where our troops are guaranteed the best of defence, “has never been in the front line!!!  And of course he has?  Was he playing leap frog?

Further, it is reported, (not by Murdoch) that the charges were brought by an International Court as it would be with any troopers of NATO involved in civilian deaths – no matter how.

Justice must not only be done but, must be seen to be done.  I'll back our troops to have done what was necessary. No matter how painful it may seem, our troopers are over there at the command of their Federal Governments, doing what they are ordered to do for the benefit of, real or perceived, our alliance with nations directly effected. NE OUBLIE. 



tony, the annoying yapping mongrel...

Prior to the debate on the Telstra laws, MPs became involved in an angry stoush as Opposition Leader Tony Abbott sought to suspend proceedings to attack Ms Gillard.

Mr Abbott moved to have Ms Gillard make a statement to Parliament over whether it had "found its way" and he ridiculed her earlier comments that 2011 would be the Government's year of delivery and decision.

Mr Abbott accused the Government of failing to protect Australia's borders, being distracted by the gay marriage debate and of "pandering to the Greens".

"You cannot save a bad government," he said.

"You cannot even save a comparatively good government, as the Victorian example illustrates, when the Labor brand is increasingly toxic."

Ms Gillard accused Mr Abbott of having a "temper tantrum" because he was bitter about the election loss.

"He's standing in this Parliament today, in his bitterness and in his defeat, standing in the way of micro-economic reform that the country has sought for 30 years," she said.

Mr Oakeshott lashed out at the Coalition's tactics and Mr Abbott's move was defeated.

Parliament has now adjourned.

Abbott is a toxic little s&^%$#....

another dingo did it...

I did not know where to place this intem which sounds inoccuous enough but resonates in the Australian psyche: the wild dogs... See toon at top...



A British tourist has lost several thousand dollars worth of cash and jewellery, after a dingo stole a bag containing her valuables on a New South Wales beach.

Police say they are baffled as to why the dingo took the bag, which contained no food.

Several witnesses told police they tried to warn the 58-year-old woman that the dingo was approaching her on Jimmys Beach, just north of Newcastle last Wednesday.

Police searched the area for several hours but found no trace of the bag or its contents.

The dingo, which had reportedly approached several people in the Hawks Nest area in recent months, has since been put down.

dingo on a beach near Hawk's nest

Dingo and dingo tracks near Hawk's nest...