Saturday 11th of January 2025


Abbott AWOL on rule of law and morality

Tony Abbott (''Soldiers thrown to wolves, says Abbott,'' October 13) seems to be suggesting that Australian troops should not be subject to the rule of law. Imagine the outcry if he were to suggest that a priest accused of sexual abuse should not have that claim tested in court because we should support priests who are working for the good of the community.

Either we strive for transparency and accountability across all sectors of society or we sink into a culture of secrecy and cover-up. Where serious concerns are raised about possible illegal activity the proper place to determine the matter is in a court of law, not behind closed doors with a wink and a nod between mates.

Professor Neil Ormerod Professor of Theology, Australian Catholic University Strathfield

The claim by Tony Abbott that "soldiers thrown to wolves" needs to be questioned. Evidence leading to charges of dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order and prejudicial conduct being laid suggest a more complex scenario than Mr Abbott implies. The decision of the Director of Military Prosecutions to lay charges suggests there is a case to answer, an assessment that is ultimately tested by an independent tribunal. Mr Abbott's comment is no more than political rhetoric.

Denis Gray Wollongong

If Tony ''you can't believe what I say'' Abbott is the gatekeeper of our nation's values and ideals, we are in a lot of trouble.

John Truman Chatswood

Tony Abbott is not ''the standard-bearer for values and ideals which matter''. He is an evil hairy troll on the wrong side of the fence.

Tony Doyle Woonona

deep failure tony...

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has taken a swipe at Tony Abbott, saying it appears the Opposition Leader does not understand how the military justice system works.

The rebuke follows Mr Abbott's intervention into the case of three Australian soldiers charged over the deaths of six civilians in Afghanistan last year.

Mr Abbott says he suspects there has been a deep failure by the Government to provide the soldiers with the defence they are entitled to and that people fear the soldiers have been stabbed in the back by the Government.

Ms Gillard says Mr Abbott should get the facts first before talking about such cases publicly.


Gus: I apologise for presenting a cartoon at top that is somewhat on the nose, but I couldn't think of anything else in regard to Tony's foot-in-mouth silly deliberate hell-bent action designed to try and damage the Gillard government... It's time careless Tony should go and see a psychiatrist or a psychoanalyst to discover what's wrong with him. It could help make him a less bitter and gnarly person, and more aware of facts, though these transformations alone may make him loose the leadership of the Liberal hasbeens and greenhorns coalition.

"Mr Nice Guy" has lost the plot entirely and has returned to his phoney ways — though he never left them-phonies, just pretended to become "nice". Some Liberals (Pyne for example) may think he behaves like a saintly little shit, but that suits their nasty ways perfectly. Some more enlightened Liberals may think it's time to replace Tony.

tony's attack is a national disgrace...

The military prosecutor's decision to charge three Australian soldiers for an operation that killed five children in Afghanistan has met ferocious criticism.

Tony Abbott said the soldiers had been ''stabbed in the back'' and ''thrown to the wolves'' by the government. An online petition signed by almost 20,000 Australians claims the prosecutions will ''paralyse'' troops in the field.

The petition includes vicious and sexist attacks on the prosecutor, Brigadier Lyn McDade. Commentators such as Alan Jones and Piers Akerman have fuelled the backlash.

The attacks on the integrity and independence of the military justice process are a national disgrace and reveal a deep ignorance among some, including the Opposition Leader, about fighting in war. As professional soldiers, Australian forces are highly trained to follow orders, to fight within their rules of engagement, to distinguish between military targets and civilians, and to carefully minimise civilian casualties.

If something goes wrong, the system of military justice kicks in to sort it out. In this case, Brigadier McDade, as the independent military prosecutor, reviewed all the available evidence and concluded it supported the laying of charges, which include manslaughter, dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order, and prejudicial conduct.

Her decision came after a long and comprehensive military investigation into the incident. The prosecutor is a respected and experienced military officer, appointed by the Howard government, with impressive legal experience as a barrister, deputy coroner and civilian prosecutor.

the psychology of being a thug...

Abbott has yet to show he understands that need for balance. His policy prescriptions so far have been largely about what he does not support and are often expressed in loose language. He has indicated he will play a spoiling game on climate change, attacking the government for considering a carbon tax.

But in an interview with Sky News last year he said: "If you want to put a price on carbon, why not do it with a simple tax? Why not ask motorists to pay more? Why not ask electricity consumers to pay more?"

He may feel cheated at coming so close to victory but 15 of the 16 minority governments in Australia since 1989 ran their full term. Five of the nine parliaments in the country are now hung.

If history is a guide, Abbott's biggest hurdle may be his ability to understand how to manage the psychology of opposition.

Bruce Hawker is a political consultant, lobbyist and adviser to the ALP.

The Cartoon says it all for me Gus.

The Murdoch Media Empire is Australia's worst enemy.

Be aware of the absurd claim by Murdoch and his cronies that his The Australian newspaper is the "Heart of our Nation". Fair dinkum. Yet his is the only newspaper in which I cannot find even a small mention of the Abbott antics about "jet lag" and his "toy playing with real weapons" in Afghanistan.

Not a mention either of his natural return to the "clown who would be king" when he denigrated our Military processes with regard to the expected behaviour of our troops in any tour of duty. Australia was blessed indeed when this Murdoch "remade thug" almost became Prime Minister who would have, going by his heroics, released these men without proper scrutiny??? And what about the next time? Beware of having special treatment for special people.

What could be more important to our national interests than the welfare of our troops at war and their continuing sacrifices of their very lives?  And yet, with Abbott screaming like a spoilt child in kindergarten play time, he says that those soldiers, who he has never met; whose factual accusations have never been fully revealed; along with his total absence of knowledge as to procedures of our Military Commissions and even his past of agreeing, and then not agreeing with whatever is happening in Afghanistan - especially when the British Conservatives are having a "cuppa tea" to which he was graciously invited.  Struth.

Stuff the soldiers eh?  The Brigadier in charge is a respected and accomplished jurist but, asexual Alan Jones says she has not served in the “front line”!  Good heavens, which LINE was he ever in? Toilet lines?

Stuff the soldiers eh?   But now come the crocodile tears of not being given a fair go - this rabid attack dog is totally lost when it comes to diplomacy or political protocols.  He is a perfect example of who should not be allowed to lead even a third world nation in a bocce match.  This person raises my disgust when he is allowed to rave on and back flip with complete immunity by the Murdoch Empire.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Prime Minister did not politicize her offer in good faith for Abbott to join her on her trip to Afghanistan.  In fact, as she pointed out, it would have demonstrated the bi-partisan solidarity by both parties representing the entire Australian people. But the sworn "wrecker" wouldn't have that.

At the moment Murdoch has created a situation where Abbott’s stupidity is covered up and Julia Gillard is constrained to choose every word carefully.  And even then, please note that the media will take every opportunity to twist our P.M’s words without fear of prosecution – why? Because she cannot be seen as a normal decent Australian.

Can anyone please tell me when the Rudd/Gillard government did anything right?

The Murdoch Media Empire is Australia’s worst enemy.  NE OUBLIE.


no squibble...

THE army has gone to ''unprecedented lengths'' and will spare no expense to support three soldiers facing charges over the deaths of six people in Afghanistan, says the Chief of Defence Force, Angus Houston.

At a Senate estimates hearing, Air Chief Marshal Houston said the three soldiers, who face charges including manslaughter and failing to comply with orders, were fully entitled to the presumption of innocence.

He rejected opposition claims the senior military hierarchy had squibbed an opportunity to make a strong pre-charge submission on the case to Brigadier Lyn McDade, the director of military prosecutions, earlier this year.