Sunday 9th of March 2025

different dog: same old fleas .....

 same old fleas .....

Barry O'Farrell has promised to allow new types of gambling technology and games into NSW clubs if he is elected premier, while ruling out proposed reforms to poker machine laws.

The NSW Opposition Leader has also promised to ease a cap on the number of electronic roulette and blackjack games in clubs.

The concessions are part of a memorandum of understanding struck between Clubs NSW and the Coalition that includes $300 million in tax breaks on their poker machine profits.

''This deal shows a terrifying contempt for the interests of the people of NSW,'' the anti-gambling activist Paul Bendat said yesterday.

''It seems the party is more concerned about balancing the state budget than with the human damage of pokie losses.''

Barry O'Farrell rules out proposed reforms to poker machine laws