Saturday 11th of January 2025

the shaming of america .....

the shaming of america .....

As usual, the Arabs knew. They knew all about the mass torture, the promiscuous shooting of civilians, the outrageous use of air power against family homes, the vicious American and British mercenaries, the cemeteries of the innocent dead. All of Iraq knew. Because they were the victims.

Only we could pretend we did not know. Only we in the West could counter every claim, every allegation against the Americans or British with some worthy general - the ghastly US military spokesman Mark Kimmitt and the awful chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Peter Pace, come to mind - to ring-fence us with lies. Find a man who'd been tortured and you'd be told it was terrorist propaganda; discover a house full of children killed by an American air strike and that, too, would be terrorist propaganda, or "collateral damage", or a simple phrase: "We have nothing on that."

Of course, we all knew they always did have something. And yesterday's ocean of military memos proves it yet again. Al-Jazeera has gone to extraordinary lengths to track down the actual Iraqi families whose men and women are recorded as being wasted at US checkpoints - I've identified one because I reported it in 2004, the bullet-smashed car, the two dead journalists, even the name of the local US captain - and it was The Independent on Sunday that first alerted the world to the hordes of undisciplined gunmen being flown to Baghdad to protect diplomats and generals. These mercenaries, who murdered their way around the cities of Iraq, abused me when I told them I was writing about them way back in 2003.

The Shaming of America


The media in the so-called

The media in the so-called "democratic west" is now very open with its abuse of truth and its power to have the government of their choice elected with the ready transfer of copious funds to the appropriate quarters.  As normal as night follows day, the US media lies and misinforms its participants with the full knowledge of the corrupt “powers that be”.  Just Like Murdoch in Australia.

It is now an open book regarding the Jewish Lobby and the bought votes for "consideration" of US members of both the Senate and Congress.  Openly - as though corruption is the normal function of the media and the receivers of the largesse are nothing more than criminals.  Can one genuinely accept this practice as a demonstration of "democracy at work?" Would it be allowed without punishment in China – or Vietnam – or virtually any of the Asian nations?

More often than we would like, the Australian system (excepting the Murdoch influence) brings to Court some politician who has transgressed in a manner, when compared to the corruption in the US, considered as small change - but the disease is there nevertheless.

The very argument by the world conservatives that regulation stifles business is a confession that ONLY with such de-regulated industry is the corruption allowed to function.  A major cause of the world financial meltdown was de-regulation - which is still vibrating around many countries who - naturally, will make the ordinary citizens pay for the corruption of the Corporations.

De-regulation is the pre-requisite to business “risk” and the cruellest of deceptions is the method used by Howard “selling every thing the people own” and arguing that they will benefit as “Mums and Dads” in the cut-throat tactics of the markets.  Like Telstra?

I note with alarm that the Gillard Federal Government has entered bi-partisan agreements with the Conservatives to a) maintain troop involvements in Afghanistan for possibly another decade and b) join together in a cordial visit to occupied Palestine with the blessings of the Zionists and their murderous lawless regime.

How can we claim to respect the rights of others when - we simply don’t respect the rights of others? How can we stand by and even applaud and support the crimes committed against Palestinians by an illegal state?

There must be some common denominator which forces normally decent nations to conform to the demands of the Zionist illegal fascist government - which is totally dishonest and proud to be so.

I wonder how much Australia’s foreign debt is to the Jewish World Congress? “Money makes the world go down”.  NE OUBLIE.



The Rise and Fall of a Peaceful Promise.

Simply speaking, the only way to wear down the architects of "wars of choice" is to make their illegal exploits too costly.  I don't mean in terms of troops because the now 300 million Americans have such a high rate of unemployment that the military must appear to be better than starving.

The American people were once claimed to be "isolationist" because they were more interested in the peaceful expansion of their country and the benefits it brought to the nation as a whole but - what happened?  The "war machine" had become all powerful due to WW II and the "prosperity" to be maintained would be in the industrial power of the US - primarily the manufacture of weapons of war.  They are currently the largest producers of weapons in the world - and continue to invent more heinous ways of killing to make their products outsell all other nations. 

If one was to consider the history of American involvement in wars of choice, you could go back to the beginning of the Revolutionary War against Britain.  Whether it was warranted or not it paved the way for a new type of democracy which, at that time was the envy of the colonies.  It was blessed with great Statesmen of that age and it made its mark in world affairs very early in its career.

However, with the massive expansion, the rights of the citizens, indigenous or foreign, were crushed by the new powers of large Corporations, especially in rail transport.

While it is undeniable that the result of that sometimes violent struggle, the country was opened up to farmers and cattle barons.  Cities sprouted all over the place but, like Hitler’s “Liebersraum” the expansions failed to recognise the rights of the previous land owners, native or from countries just as foreign as Britain.

I make this point because I now see the birth of the Corporation’s media methods of fear campaigns of the 20th century and on.

In every war that the US has taken part, it has invariably been the most powerful participant and, as a result, the most suffering of casualties.  The American people were told that this was the price of freedom – from what?

The US provided a substitute for military force in building the United Nations, both literally and figuratively and it was to be the centre of world peace and punishment.  It was to ensure that the weak received the same consideration as the powerful and was really a copy of the principles of their own Revolutionary War.

Once the UN Security Council was formed with the individual rights of each member to veto resolutions – justice was gone and even the leaders of Iran and Libya have pointed this out to the “sheepeople” who now pass resolutions which have no justice; equality or even consistency of decision making. 

Can the UN be re-vamped to function as it was originally intended?

America has proven beyond doubt that its various administrations are grossly incompetent in dealing fairly with any situation which may involve their “friends” or “lost allies” (like Saddam).

They have betrayed their right to be decision makers for all.  NE OUBLIE.