Saturday 11th of January 2025

pass the shoes .....

pass the shoes .....

When John Howard sat down to write his memoirs he could have focused on his achievements, given generous acknowledgement to his colleagues, conceded a few failures - including the loss of the 2007 election - and made some observations on the long-term policy challenges for the nation.

It would have been the book of an elder statesman. He could have shown a spirit of generosity. And it would have enhanced his reputation. But it is not the nature of the man.

Howard wants to claim all the achievements of the Coalition government and does not intend to share the glory. He will not take responsibility for the defeat of the government in November 2007 or losing the seat of Bennelong where he had been the incumbent for 34 years. He will not take responsibility for what the whole of Australia knows - that he stayed too long.

Costello Hits Back At Howard As A Failure

You Can't Make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear!

IMHO Howard was the most untrustworthy and dictatorial P.M. in my living memory.  His lies; diversions; racism; war crimes; anti-worker laws; total servitude to the US et al, have been overtaken by the times and all but forgotten - he thinks.

During his early days in Parliament he was notorious for his constant undermining of his Liberal leaders, including the P.M.'s like McMahon and Fraser.  While Treasurer for the Fraser government for four years, this wonder of a fiscal manager brought down four budgets, all in deficit. No mining boom to save him then.

Like in his school days at Canterbury High, Howard learned to foster the friendship of the bullies and concentrated his abilities on their protection while he worked away at the people, friends or not, who might stand in his way.  This was also his method apparently at University and certainly stood him in good stead when his Parliamentary career opened to him access to favour the biggest bully of them all – the United States of America.

Of course this policy showed him as a ripe puppet for Murdoch with the enormous ego that was essential with that bully’s future aims.  So the “powers that be” had lined up their “planets” to elect a person without scruples or one iota of honour to the highest office in Australia.

While in Office one of the unforgiving attitudes by this Narcissus was to ignore the protest burning of the Australian Flag – after all it wasn’t the Stars and Stripes was it?

His arrogance lost him the 2007 election plus his own seat in Parliament, he went to the US to be celebrated by his benefactors and to openly sing “God Bless America”.  Any doubts there?  Fair dinkum.

So he then enjoyed what he would call a holiday without expressing the real feelings he had or the shambles of his “New Order” misfits.  He wined and dined on his American mentors and expanded even his already obscene feelings of “born to rule” by lecture tours – on what?

So, during some eleven plus years from 1996 he enjoyed feeding off the coffers of the very rich and gave Murdoch the golden opportunity for monopoly by removing the Keating “Cross Ownership Laws” – and as a result – who really decides our elections?

Now, during a time when Murdoch’s interference has created a confused electorate by his outrageous support for a most disagreeable character, Tony Abbott - who is merely a Murdoch ventriloquist dummy – the horrible little non-Australian Howard has indeed “risen”.

The appearances of the “little dictator” in every form of media one can imagine – lying his head off as usual and hoping that we all forget his abuse of power – may be an indication of another Murdoch “bloodless coup”?  Even the title of Howard’s book would not normally be allowed by the Murdoch machine.

The media of course love and live for bad news – therefore the increased confusion of the Australian people can only harm the minority government of Julia Gillard.

It is fair to say that it is typical of Howard to consider himself a “Lazarus” and be “rising”? Let’s hope it is by an Irish pennant or a political hangman’s noose.  NE OUBLIE.