Saturday 11th of January 2025

gollum rising .....

gollum rising .....

Editorial, The Australian, September 9:

"Greens leader Bob Brown has accused The Australian of trying to wreck the alliance between the Greens & Labor. We wear Senator Brown's criticism with pride. We believe he & his Green colleagues are hypocrites; that they are bad for the nation; & that they should be destroyed at the ballot box."

Greens leader Bob Brown to Laura Tingle, Australian Financial Review, September 2010:

"...[The paper] sees itself as a determinant of democracy in Australia... It's stepped out of the role of the fourth estate ... & it needs to be taken on."

Chris Mitchell, The Australian editor in chief, to Media Watch, September 10:

"The Greens' views on the economy, death taxes, the shutting down of the coal industry etc need to be widely reported...

"Just as The Australian refused to be intimidated by Mr Rudd last year, we have no intention of bowing to Bob Brown's bullying this year."

Rupert Murdoch, last night, speaking at an event as part of the The Australian's Smart Business series:

"Whatever you do, don't let the bloody Greens mess it up...

"I can assure you that in a very few years it will be possible to have all the energy we want from economic and cheap & small nuclear plants - which is anathema to a lot of people. But it would be safe. There would not be an energy waste problem. We don't have to rush into a lot of mad schemes, fouling up the country with windmills & other crackpot ideas which are very, very expensive."

Fair & balanced scrutiny or company-wide campaign? We report, you decide.

the greatest betrayer, traitor, of them all …..

If I had the opportunity to address Mr. Murdoch directly, I would say to him the following. If you really care about the Jews (I mean the Jews as people as opposed to their money), you would put your media empire at the service of the truth of history.


I would also tell him that when I joined ITN (Independent Television News) as a very young reporter many years ago, its great editor-in-chief, Geoffrey Cox, gave me the mission statement in one short sentence. “Our job is to help keep democracy alive.”


I would then say to Murdoch that my charge today is (generally speaking) that the mainstream media has betrayed democracy. And I would add, “You, sir, are the greatest betrayer, traitor, of them all.”


Is Rupert Murdoch Ignorant or An Agent of Zionist Deception?

What God-like arrogance by Murdoch.

One thing I will say for the Greens is that they stick to their guns regardless of the "over the top" criticism of the world's worst media monopoly. 

Has anyone ever heard or read anything so far from fact and truth as the statement by Chris Mitchell of the [anti] Australian that "Just as The Australian refused to be intimidated by Mr Rudd last year, we have no intention of bowing to Bob Brown's bullying this year."  Fair dinkum?  The pot calling the kettle black?

The vicious and ruthless streak in the entire Murdoch Empire is clearly demonstrated by his un-restrained "democratic right" to research; phone tap; stalk or in any way he sees fit to gather so-called information from so-called anonymous people for the undignified opinions of his trained spruikers.  Shades of the infamous J. Edgar Hoover.  Struth.

IMHO, the Murdochracy with its Howard-blessed "honour system" periodically causes far more destabilizing and confusion among our citizens, in every State and Territory, than the RBA or the Big Four can ever match.  In fact, I would venture to suggest that the Corporations who are indebted to Murdoch will be awaiting his personal decision on the recent row over interest rates. Murdoch opposes anything that, in his opinion, doesn't favour his massive Empire or that of the Foreign Mining Giants many of whom may owe their very existence to his patronage.

During the last scandalous so-called Federal election, Murdoch could not have been more effectively biased than if he had cast the Abbott votes himself.  His vendetta against Rudd and subsequently Gillard confirmed his totally selfish financial motivation to anything he does – and that does NOT include any of his “part Australian” concern of our National Interests.

The Murdoch Empire in Australia is an embarrassment to the dignity of our nation which once wished to be seen as independent. A government which wins an election in a so-called democracy, should demand to be completely and truthfully reported on in the nation’s media. 

Otherwise, the only alternative would be to close down these so-called independent thinkers in the NATIONAL INTEREST.  NE OUBLIE.



May our national pride destory Murdoch and his Zionists.

I must confess that my emotions regarding the world Jewish organisations' ever-increasing power does re-visit my family's concern about the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany.

I would be just as outraged no matter what the motivation force is in such a situation.  The Nazis professed to want the citizens of the conquered nations to take part in a type of genicide that would be intended to use extreme methods to prevent the expantion of the "untermenschen".  According to records, the major targets of the doctrine were the Slavs and then the Jews; the Gypsies; the Russians and all races out of the boundaries of the Aryan species.

The entire world took its time to decide against this type of unbridled military force which was set to take over various countries, so ill-prepared for all out war.

One would have hoped that the mad, mad murder of human life by both sides would have taught us a lesson to "never let this happen again".  Well it is happening and the nation responsible for it is the United States of America.

The power of the Jewish Congress and its associated "Diaspora created" world wide and interwoven organizations have seemed to form themselves into a virtual functional world government in waiting.

Meanwhile, we in Australia are perhaps under the biggest threat with the "Prince of Zionism" Murdoch, carrying on as though he and he alone decides what the people of my nation want - and more importantly - what he says we will have.

While this country, and perhaps others, are strangling under the grip of Zionist power we, like the British before us, have allowed ourselves to be less and less defended by, in the Howard case, the servitude to the US.  A back-pocket ally?

And now to the most politically dangerous person in Australia - is - with appropriate arrogance, employing the attitude of Benjumin Netanyahu in that they do not respect any laws, even their own. Note I write "they" and this is perhaps what John is on about. 

Recently the Roman Catholic religion, an enormous force of world influence, was rightly condemned by the "religion protected actions" of their Priests.

IMHO if even now, the Zionists would concede that their last 60 years have deminished the dignity of Judaism there could be some agreement.

As I have suggested, with my limited knowledge of the overall picture - the Zionists are in a situation of their own making where total victory is the only accepted result.

Conversely, why would the Zionist predatory animal agree to share with the victim it is eating?

I can only see another perhaps century of world stabilization that will still not serve the genuine rights of the Jewish people all over the world.

Is it true that the Zionists are prepared to destroy the planet to have their way. (Gold Meir).  Is this the statement that would encourage the two-state solution in occupied Palestine when the rabid predator agrees to share the bounty of the animal it is eating?  NE OUBLIE.