Saturday 11th of January 2025

blah blah blah blah blah ......

blah blah blah blah blah ......

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, sat in front of a tame audience on the ABC tonight & held-forth on the wonders of the awesome awstraylen-american relationship.

Earlier in the day, 'Our Kevin' almost wet himself with ecstacy when the well briefed yankee diplomat referred to him as the Prime Minister.

The unconvincing standard-bearer of yankee hypocrisy lectured her audience about the evils of the Burmese generals & spoke about american/awstraylen efforts to hold them accountable for their human rights abuse, although she had nothing to say about zionist israel's abuse of the Palestinian people & the failure of the west to address these glaring crimes against humanity.

And, of course, on the subject of human rights abuses, the yankee mouthpiece had nothing to say about her country's own exemplary efforts to torture & maim defenseless civilians from Chile to Manilla & Vietnam to Lebanon.  

The dragon-lady also made it quite clear that america saw its central mission to bring its ideals of democratic freedom to the oppressed of the world, although the american hypocrite had nothing to say about progress in the democratisation of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Honduras or other close allies of the west, whose concepts of democracy are somewhat surreal.

The ABC's vacuous audience openly fawned on Hillary, variously seeking her advice on everything from juggling political & family life. No-one in this polite mob could bring themselves to ask the silly cow how she sleeps at night .....

The ABC itself had a wet dream, with almost half of its supposed national television news bulletin being given over to reports around this shallow, useless individual.

Blah blah blah blah ..... phooey!

getting the spin right ......

And here it is folks ..... abc propaganda in full swing ....

Leigh Sales organising the performance of the audience for the benefit of good ol' Hillary Clinton on the abc last night.

What a joke. For the abc to think that someone of Clinton's experience needs to be 'protected' from having to respond to unsatisfactory questions says everything about how much the abc has forgotten about news & journalism & how much it has recently learned about becoming just another of the many vacuous variety shows, concerned only with spinning-up political personalities in the best possible light.

Our abc? Not mine .......

Same Values? Not bloody likely Kevin ..... someone pass me some shoes!!!!

Preparing crowd for Hiliary Clinton Interview

not on the guest list...

Kevin Rudd gatecrashed the special ABC television broadcast with Hillary Clinton on the weekend, demanding a place in the heavily promoted event to share the limelight with the US Secretary of State, an official said.

Mr Rudd's last-minute decision to attend the town hall-style meeting sent organisers at the ABC, the Foreign Affairs Department and US embassy into a spin - coming only hours before the event was due to be recorded.

Mr Rudd was not scheduled to be among the VIP guests at the recording, which included Australia's ambassador in Washington, Kim Beazley, the businessman Hugh Morgan, Melbourne University's vice-chancellor, Glyn Davis, and the US ambassador to Australia, Jeff Bleich.

But after a dinner with Mrs Clinton on Saturday night, Mr Rudd insisted he attend. An Australian official familiar with the event said Mr Rudd had stridently demanded plans be changed to include him. ''The behaviour was disgusting and he deserves to be called on it,'' the official told The Age.

There was confusion that Mr Rudd was actually asking to be seated on stage alongside Mrs Clinton and the ABC host, Leigh Sales, for the broadcast dubbed, Hillary Rodham Clinton: An Australian Conversation. This threatened to undo the careful planning for the recording, which involved some six camera positions spread among an audience of about 450 in a Melbourne University lecture theatre.

But Mr Rudd has denied he or his staff asked for a seat on stage. ''No, not at all. I didn't ask to go on the stage at all,'' he told The 7.30 Report on Monday.

seating arrangements ....

Yes Gus,

If this report is accurate, it seems to reflect poorly on our Kevin.

Having said that, you'd think that his own Department would have had the wit to invite their Minister to such an occasion, particularly if our Ambassador had been included, along with every other able-bodied sychophant in the country. On the subject of bureaucrats, it really isn't their place to be leaking this kind of stuff with the view to damaging their Minister ... after all, had they invited him in the first place, there would not have been a problem.

Whoever the leaking bureacrat was, he wasn't acting in the best interests of our country by airing this laundry, but simply engaging in an act of childish, spiteful pay-back.

I know where his arse would be touching-down if he worked for me!!!

low-key and proper...

Rudd's request was low-key and proper

I attended the meeting at which Kevin Rudd expressed his interest in attending Hillary Clinton's town hall event at the University of Melbourne (''Rudd ruffles feathers to be in Clinton limelight'', November 10). Mr Rudd was present. The US Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell conducted the meeting. The town hall gathering was considered very briefly. The Foreign Minister expressed a desire to attend, which was quickly and readily accepted by Mr Campbell. At no time was the proposition of the Foreign Minister sitting on the stage raised. The discussion was low-key, lasted less than a minute and occurred only in passing.

Kim Beazley Ambassador to the United States


Gus: yes John, I would trust Kim Beazley before trusting a journalist or a news editor who may have got the news second hand from a rabid friend of a friend who heard it on the grapevine (see comments above).