Sunday 9th of March 2025

from the world of strangelove .....

from the world of strangelove .....

The next generation of body scanners to be rolled out in airports will literally be able to see inside the human body, as security personnel gear up to trial machines that use deep penetrating radiation, the same kind hospitals use to examine internal organs and bones.

Australian airports are set to begin using the devices should legislation before Federal Parliament be passed, enabling customs officers to use technology previously only operated by doctors in controlled conditions.

The justification for the technology is to crack down on suspected drug smugglers who swallow illegal substances to evade airport security. However, the notion of placing the technology along airport security lines paves the way for its general use, particularly in light of the recent security theatre explosion we have seen in airports over the last eighteen months.

The current crop of naked body scanners being used by the TSA and other transport security personnel around the globe use either Millimeter-wave or BackScatter radiation. These devices render clothing and organic materials translucent, providing an image of what is concealed underneath, which is why they have caused such controversy.

The radiation fired from those scanners does not penetrate beyond the tissue under the skin, nevertheless there have been significant and legitimate fears expressed by experts and scientists over the safety of such devices, as far as both the operator and the traveler are concerned.

The force generated from tetrahertz waves used by the millimeter-wave scanners is small but, according to scientists, the waves can 'unzip' or tear apart double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the DNA that could interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication.

Despite further warnings from scientists that the scanners will cause cancer in some travelers, it seems our governments are ready to push even further and use even more potentially lethal technology, under the guise of security.

Aussies Ready to Roll Out Deep Penetrating Radiation Scanners at Airports 

rogue state .....

The Department of Homeland Security told a federal court that the agency believes it has the legal authority to strip-search every air traveler. The agency made the claim at oral argument in EPIC's lawsuit to suspend the airport body scanner program. The agency also stated that it believed a mandatory strip-search rule could be instituted without any public comment or rulemaking.

EPIC President Marc Rotenberg urged the Washington, DC appeals court to suspend the body scanner program, noting that the devices are "uniquely intrusive" and ineffective. EPIC's opening brief in the case states that the Department of Homeland Security "has initiated the most sweeping, the most invasive, and the most unaccountable suspicionless search of American travelers in history," and that such a change in policy demands that the TSA conduct a notice-and-comment rule making process.

The case is EPIC v. DHS, No. 10-1157. For more information, see EPIC: EPIC v. DHS and EPIC: Whole Body Imaging Technology

the sin of contempt .....

According to CNN, the government considers "arrogant complaining" about TSA Gestapo tactics at the nation's airports to be an indication of terrorist behavior.

Objecting to TSA goons molesting your six year old daughter is characterized as "contempt against airport passenger procedures" and will likely get you profiled as a "high risk" passenger and probably a terrorist.

Race, religion or ethnicity are not considered a "behavioral indicator," according to the government, even though terrorists supposedly acting on September 11, 2011, were Muslims, or so the government concluded after conducting a shoddy investigation, even though several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon and consider its final report highly flawed.

"Expressing your contempt about airport procedures - that's a First Amendment-protected right," Michael German, a former FBI agent who now works as legal counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, told CNN. "We all have the right to express our views, and particularly in a situation where the government is demanding the ability to search you."

TSA procedures also violate the Fourth Amendment and the sexual molestation laws of a number of states, but that has not stopped the feds from treating airline passengers as criminals to be searched at random or after they complain.

"The TSA says its security programs are informed by real-world situations and intelligence. Indeed, the immigration agent who refused to let the alleged '20th hijacker' into the United States in 2001 later testified that the man's arrogant behavior contributed to his suspicions," notes CNN.

CNN describes Mohammed al-Qahtani as the 20th hijacker. Zacarias Moussaoui is also pegged as the 20th hijacker.

The FBI actively blocked an investigation of Moussaoui a month before the September 11, 2001, attacks. FBI agent Harry Samit blamed FBI headquarters for having "obstructed" the Moussaoui probe, which the government later portrayed as a lost opportunity to uncover information about the attacks.

Moussaoui was a member of the Finsbury mosque in London. The mosque's imam, Abu Hamza al-Masri, worked with two branches of the British security services, the Special Branch of the British police and MI5, the domestic counterintelligence service.

Complaining About TSA Molestation Will Get You Profiled as a Terrorist

defrocked .....

A blogger has shown that all the Transport Safety Association's controversial nude body scanners and much-too-personal pat downs are not effective in the least, as more and more people in the US speak out against the "advanced" security measures.

Engineer Jonathan Corbett has published a video in which he shows exactly how he took a small metal case through two of the TSA's billion-dollar armada of scanners in a special side pocket stitched into his shirt.

The reason it is so easy, explains Corbett, is because the scanners blend metallic areas into the dark background. Thus, if an object is not directly placed on the body, it will not show up on the scan. The old detectors would have picked up on the metal, but the TSA's new and expensive toys, it seems, are woefully inadequate.

"It can't possibly be that easy to beat the TSA's billion dollar fleet of nude body scanners, right? The TSA can't be that stupid, can they? Unfortunately, they can, and they are," says Corbett, who has filed a lawsuit against the agency's new security measures.

Corbett goes on to say "While I carried the metal case empty, it could easily have been filled with razor blades, explosives, or one of Charlie Sheen's infamous 7-gram rocks of cocaine. With a bigger pocket, perhaps sewn on the inside of the shirt, even a firearm could get through."

The scanners, which started appearing in airports in the fall of 2010, have been criticized for being invasive and potentially causing health problems. Europe has refused to invest in the new scanners due to health concerns. The former chief of security at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport said he could "overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to take down a Boeing 747".

The blogger added "Now, I'm sure the TSA will accuse me of aiding the terrorists by releasing this video, but it's beyond belief that the terrorists haven't already figured this out and are already plotting to use this against us. It's also beyond belief that the TSA did not already know everything I just told you, and arrogantly decided to disregard our safety. The nude body scanner program is nothing but a giant fraud."

The TSA themselves have yet to comment on the video, which has already gone viral.

Naked truth: TSA Nude Scanner Exposed - 'you Can Sneak Anything Past Them!'