Saturday 11th of January 2025

keeping us safe .....

keeping us safe .....

Police rushed a pair of officers in a marked car to a park after two young sisters were spotted picking daffodils.

Sienna Marengo, four, was seen picking flowers with six-year-old stepsister Olivia in Poole, Dorset.

A member of the public reported them to police and two constables attended and advised the girls' mother, Jane Errington, that she and her partner, Marc Marengo, could be arrested for criminal damage.

The couple expressed anger at the "heavy-handed" response and accused police of wasting time.

Errington said the officers watched the family for 20 minutes before speaking to them. She said Sienna had been left too upset to return to the public park, fearing being "taken away by the police".

The family had been enjoying the spring sunshine with a walk through Whitecliff Park on Sunday when the girls broke off and started to pick daffodils.

Errington, who owns a property maintenance business, said: "The little ones had been riding their bikes but after a while they got bored and went to play in the daffodils.

"I didn't see them pick any flowers, but the next thing we knew a police patrol car pulled up and the officers in it started watching us.

"We didn't know what was going on and after about 20 minutes my partner started feeling very uncomfortable.

"Two male police officers then came up to us, saying they'd had a report of flowers being ripped up. They said we had committed a crime.

Police Swoop On Young Sisters Who Picked Daffodils In A Park

parasites at work .....

This is how low your government will go.

Cops in Texas have been writing thousands of tickets to schoolchildren for $250-$500 each for the "crime" of "misbehaving in school" so the government can raise revenue. This has been going on now for over five years.

The Texax Tribune reports:

With the rise of get-tough juvenile crime policies across Texas, the municipal courthouse has become the new principal's office for thousands of students who get in fights, curse their teachers or are generally "disorderly" on school campuses - even in elementary schools, according to data collected from school systems by Texas Appleseed, a nonprofit research and advocacy group focusing on social and economic justice.

Dallas ISD's police department, for instance, issued criminal citations to 92 10-year-olds in the 2006-07 school year, the latest year for which such data is available. Alief ISD's officers issued 163 tickets to elementary school students in 2007. And "several districts ticketed a 6-year-old at least once in the last five years," according to a recent presentation to the state Senate's Criminal Justice Committee by Texas Appleseed. Such tickets, often given for "disorderly conduct" or "classroom disruption," typically are handled in municipal courts or by county justices of the peace and can have fines of between $250 to $500, police and court officials say, though some courts route many students into community service in lieu of fines. [...]

Last school year, police in Houston ISD, with an enrollment of about 200,000, wrote 5,763 tickets to students, its department reported to the Tribune. The number of tickets in Houston has ranged between 4,000 and 6,000 since 2005, according to district data. Dallas ISD, with about 150,000 students, wrote nearly about 4,400 tickets in 2006-07, according to data the district reported to Texas Appleseed. (Dallas ISD officials said they could not immediately provide more updated data.) Officers in Austin ISD, with enrollment of more than 80,000, wrote 2,364 tickets in the 2007-08 school year, according to the organization's data, a decline from a peak of more than 3,000 in 2005-06.

This is your pathetic parasite government at work.

Texas Cops Ticket Thousands of Schoolchildren to Raise Revenue, Some as Young as 6-Yrs-Old