Monday 24th of February 2025

the battle is globally warming up...

abbott is a...

Picture modified by Gus under fairness of news and current affair agreement satirical policy @2 #67.

From Glenn Milne

And the reason for that importance is that the leaders themselves have made it so. The carbon tax will destroy one or the other.

The escalation of this conflict has had two phases. The first was Abbott's decision to turn the carbon tax debate away from science and the planet's future toward an assault on Julia Gillard's persona. The campaign was given an angry shorthand by Allan Jones when he interviewed - or regaled, depending on your point of view - the PM over a fortnight ago. It was, of course the term "Jui-liar", a reference to her infamous pledge six days out from the last election that there "would be no carbon tax under the government I lead".

Abbott picked up Jones' line with gusto, teaming if to his own "peoples' revolt" and ably assisted by Sydney shock jock Chris Smith who became the driving force behind Wednesday's anti-carbon tax rally at Parliament House. Smith was explicitly thanked by Abbott at the time.

But it was the same rally that gave Gillard her best opening against Abbott since the "carbon tax" debate began. (Though this is now a misnomer. This is now a debate that centres on character assassination not policy.) Gillard is now using Abbott's attendance at the rally and some offensive placards displayed there to put down markers on the opposition leader's character and judgment. Just as Abbott is using Gillard's broken promise to try to characterise the government as being "based on a lie".

In the broader sense Gillard is also seeking to characterise all carbon tax sceptics as climate change "extremists", linking Abbott to the attendance at the rally of the anti-Semitic League of Rights and the ubiquitous Pauline Hanson. At the same time she gratuitously labels Abbott as a "climate change denier", deliberately conjuring all the moral associations of a "holocaust denier". Nasty stuff.


Gus: no Glenn (what are you doing writing on the ABC site??? How did they let you in?)... The term "denier" has been used on many more topics than the Holocaust... And in no way is Julia conjuring the association with it. It has been used by the climate-change aware lobby against the ignoramuses for a long time now... I myself have use the term — a denier of whatever is a denier of whatever... But a new word has popped up in regard to climate change: denialist. Thus one can now say that Tony Abbott is a denialist and that conglomerate of placard-waving people — possibly good people, but misguided people — are also denialists. They do not want to know the real earth science. They live in the illusion of tax heavens...

And what Julia said about Tony Abbott is to the point... though one has to remember the subtlety of the Whitlam era when the debate was as colourful and as fierce — with of course far more wit. But Abbott is firing furiously from the gutter with crap. Julia has the science supporting her. Should Abbott win, it would be the saddest day for this country and ultimately for the world.

Abbott is a deliberate ignoramus and this is very sad.

Julia is on the right track and the carbon tax is in line with what other United Nations signatories are doing... WE HAVE TO DO IT.


we know that...

Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. On the one hand, warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests. On the other, the technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved before a concerted worldwide effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, particularly in the face of a global economic slowdown.

Global talks on climate change opened in Cancún, Mexico, in late 2010 with the toughest issues unresolved, and the conference produced modest agreements. But while the measures adopted in Cancún are likely to have scant near-term impact on the warming of the planet, the international process for dealing with the issue got a significant vote of confidence.

The agreement fell well short of the broad changes scientists say are needed to avoid dangerous climate change in coming decades. But it laid the groundwork for stronger measures in the future, if nations are able to overcome the emotional arguments that have crippled climate change negotiations in recent years. The package, known as the Cancún Agreements, gives the more than 190 countries participating in the conference another year to decide whether to extend the frayed Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 agreement that requires most wealthy nations to trim their emissions while providing assistance to developing countries to pursue a cleaner energy future.

At the heart of the international debate is a momentous tussle between rich and poor countries over who steps up first and who pays most for changed energy menus.

In the United States, on Jan. 2, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency imposed its first regulations related to greenhouse gas emissions. The immediate effect on utilities, refiners and major manufacturers will be small, with the new rules applying only to those planning to build large new facilities or make major modifications to existing plants.  Over the next decade, however, the agency plans to regulate virtually all sources of greenhouse gases, imposing efficiency and emissions requirements on nearly every industry and every region.


The seriousness of the insidious problem of global warming seems to escape the mind of Tony Abbott and his cohort of well-meaning people. Either their sight and other senses are not as good as they used to be either their comprehension of things related to the planet is becoming more and more tied up to their selfish wallets. Who knows. But if we do not do something now, there is bugger of a chance we will reduced the world CO2 emissions 60 per cent by 2050... By then the world temperature average will have added another one degree, possibly 1.5 degree C.

The "earth" does not think in terms of "revenge", "Armageddon" or policies supporting this or that... The earth's surface mechanically and chemically responds to variable content of chemicals within it. We know that.

Well some people know that — other still think the earth is an excised bit of paradise that has been modified to treat us like shit because we have sinned through our ancestors Adam and Eve after they ate a forbidden fruit, under the temptation of a devil disguised as a snake... Oh my god they might be right!

toxic brainless bigots of shock-jockery....

From Phillip Adams

ORGANISED by the brainless bigots of shock-jockery, following the example of their American heroes in talking up the toxic Tea Party, a Canberra rally ostensibly about carbon tax was addressed by Tony Abbott and wisely boycotted by Hockey and Turnbull.

Climate change denial? There were deeper, darker purposes to the gathering. The crowd contained many members of deranged cults owing their existence to a truly evil man called Eric Butler.

Shortly before his death in 2006, aged 90, Australia’s most virulent anti-Semite complained bitterly to the Press Council about some columns I’d written to expose him and his League of Rights. I’d wanted to remind the National Party, first infiltrated by the league in its Country Party days, of what these thugs were really on about – and to prevent such foolish Liberal ministers as Alexander Downer sharing public platforms with Butler’s acolytes. Not that Downer went as far as my old friend Jim Killen who, sadly, had backed the league in the 1960s, even travelling with Butler to Europe. Let me now warn Tony Abbott, and any shock-jock who can read.

If the word “traitor” means anything Butler was a traitor, often investigated during World War II by stumble-bum security people for his pro-Axis activities. He argued that Churchill, Roosevelt and John Curtin were “covert communists”, that then ally the Soviet Union was “a Jewish slave state... controlled by international Jewish financiers in New York”. And here we see his favourite theme. The evils of the Jewish race. At the time of his complaint to the Press Council Butler was still distributing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, arguably the most malignant forgery in human history – and still very popular in the Middle East. Another book on his recommended reading list was a piece of garbage claiming that the Anne Frank diaries were fraudulent. Mind you, any book that denied the Holocaust was endorsed. According to Butler, it never happened. For full details read Butler’s The International Jew. And Tony, the League was in your cheering, jeering audience.


see image at top...

Exposing the duplicity of Israel in the demolition of Palestinian homes while still pushing the barrow Israel is a "victim", does not mean that we are anti-semitic on this site... I could be Jewish... and I know many Jews who are horrified at what Israel is doing "in their name"...

JERUSALEM - Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank tripled in 2010, figures from an Israeli human rights group showed on Wednesday, with a leap in the number in the Jordan Valley.

Annual figures published by B'Tselem showed that Israel demolished 86 homes across the West Bank in 2010, compared with 28 a year earlier.

Last year's house demolitions left 472 people homeless, almost half of them children, the figures showed.

Demolitions more than doubled in the Tubas region, which straddles the northern sector of the Jordan Valley, rising to 51 from 24 in 2009 and leaving some 219 people homeless, 94 of them children, the group said.

They also rose sharply in the Nablus district, which also covers the central Jordan Valley, with 19 demolitions last year, compared with none the year before, the figures show. Some 134 people were made homeless, 51 of them children.

B'Tselem spokeswoman Sarit Michaeli said the group had noticed an increase in demolition activity in the Jordan Valley and in the south Hebron Hills area, which was aimed at razing Bedouin-owned structures built illegally.

"The trend now is toward demolishing temporary accommodation, usually put up by the Bedouin," she said, describing them as non-permanent structures largely in encampments, but stressed they served as homes.

"The net result is the same -- people are displaced," she said, adding it was not clear why the authorities were focusing their attention on these two particular areas.

"The ongoing policy seems to be aimed at pushing the nomadic community out of these areas and towards the population centres," she said.

A spokesman for the Israeli Civil Administration, the branch of the army responsible for all building issues in most of the West Bank, known as Area C, said he was not aware of any rise in demolition activity in the area.

Back to Phillip Adams:

I don’t expect shock-jocks to give a damn. But the Leader of the Opposition? He should understand the perils of a Billy Tea Party. If Abbott doesn’t, he’s a dill. If he does, and still speaks at their rallies, he’s a disgrace. It’s not only on climate change that we see two Abbotts. Which twin is the Tony?

Gus: Phillip... Tony is a disgrace and a dill, no question about it. But he is a clever dill in his exploitation of the populace's ignorance. For Tony, like for most of the idiotic shock jocks, cultivated ignorance is a virtue on the way to happiness...

see Abbott-the-Idiot at top...

Among the 3000 or so ignoramuses...

Among the 3000 or so protesters who gathered outside Parliament House on March 23 to rally against the carbon tax, few believed in global warming. It was easier to find subscribers to some sort of nebulous United Nations conspiracy than it was to find a believer in the scientific consensus.

When Tony Abbott addressed the baying crowd, he stressed that Julia Gillard's broken promise about a carbon tax was the issue. ''I don't think this is about climate change. Climate change happens, mankind does make a contribution,'' he said. During the brief but awkward silence that ensued, a little old lady turned to reassure those around her: ''He has to say that.''

Abbott had entered that golden zone in which opposition leaders can find themselves. Such is the dislike of their opponent, they can say and do virtually anything and be ignored, defended or forgiven.

When confirmation came that Gillard would announce the details of the carbon price package on July 10, Abbott's immediate instinct was to stick to his scheduled plan to live with an Aboriginal community on Cape York for the week. He was happy to let his climate change spokesman, Greg Hunt, mount the initial response.

Overnight, he changed his mind, or had it changed for him. The Cape York visit was postponed for a week, then for another week, now for a third. The thinking inside the Coalition is that Abbott is on a roll, and so another week on the phoney campaign trail beckons.


To mount a recovery, Gillard lacks at least two ingredients Howard had - money and authority. The budget of May 2001 was a shameless exercise in using the surplus to festoon pensioners and self-funded retirees with money to salve their anger over the GST. And Howard had a majority on the floor of the House, meaning he never faced losing such votes as the constitutionally-meaningless but authority-sapping Greens-Coalition motion condemning the Malaysian solution.

But unlike Howard, Gillard - caucus permitting - has time. And Abbott's faltering last week was the first glimmer of hope for Labor for ages.

Read more:

Yes Phillip Coorey....
But one must admit that Abbott's rabid imbecility on this subject and many other political issues reported by most of the media as god's gift, has not helped Julia... The spruikers want Julia out. Eventually, she'll stick it to them — she has the time and the team to do it. But is is difficult to defeat ingrained ignorance and misconceptions, when the media at large wallow in those misconceptions.

Whether Julia said no carbon tax or not is irrelevant to the planet's future. As I mentioned before, the planet does not care about what we think but it reacts to what we do. We need more and more people like you to explain this clearly and poke Tony in the proverbials.

See image at top...