Sunday 2nd of March 2025

Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

spook versus potato head

extract from SMH Warren Reed said Paul O'Sullivan, who has been appointed to replace the outgoing ASIO head Dennis Richardson, had blown his cover when he was an intelligence officer in Cairo. After his cover was blown, Mr Reed was bashed in a street, while his assistant was subjected to "a very severe interrogation", he told Channel Nine yesterday. Mr O'Sullivan was a former international adviser to the Prime Minister, John Howard. ...

Jealous CIA?

From the cyberspace, somewhere...

Google awaits ruling in data spat

Google said users of its search engine have a right to their privacy

Google is awaiting a US court ruling on whether it must hand over records and lists of data to the government.

The Justice Department wants Google to provide a week's worth of search records, saying it needs the data to help it better police cyberspace.

Obviously the CIA and the FBI are jealous of the effciency of google... Googles won hands down when some journos in the US used the fantastic search engine to trace many US spies working overseas....