Sunday 9th of March 2025

american hero...



Although Superman never actually renounces his citizenship in the story, conservative commentators reacted with disgust.

In a blogpost at The Weekly Standard, senior writer Jonathan Last questioned Superman's beliefs, now that he seems to have rejected the United States. "Does he believe in British interventionism or Swiss neutrality?" Last wrote. "You see where I'm going with this: If Superman doesn't believe in America, then he doesn't believe in anything."

Posters on comic book discussion forums drew parallels between the superhero's doubts about his citizenship and the conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's nationality.

Several posters branded conservative critics of the storyline "Earthers" - a reference to the Birthers - the nickname for the rightwingers who have questioned Obama's citizenship.

citizenship addressed...


Meanwhile at the registrar...

Important Issues Need to Take Priority Over Obama’s Citizenship Debate
Now over halfway into Obama’s term, we continue to receive weekly emails asking why the media fails to print confirmation that America’s 44th president is not a natural born citizen. The latest one received stated, “Very quietly Obama’s citizenship case reaches Supreme Court. Let other folks know this news, the media won’t!”

The reason The Record-Courier, and any other legitimate newspaper, won’t print it is because there has not been any evidence to validate this claim. Seriously, don’t you think if there were even a shred of truth to this, the print, radio and televised media throughout the country would be all over it? If true, this would indeed be very big news and the competitive media associations would be vying to be the first to release it.

If you do a little homework, any fact-checking web site (,,,,, etc.) will verify that these email accusations have no justification.

Obama released his birth certificate in 2008, and provided a digital copy, which is still widely available on the Internet. As further proof after presidential candidate hopeful Donald Trump stirred the citizenship pot earlier this month, the White House released Obama’s long-form birth certificate this week, which can be viewed here: The state of Hawaii has confirmed his birth certificate is authentic. Hawaii also has two major newspapers that recorded the Aug. 4, 1961 birth of Barack Obama.

However, when all of this information was released it started yet another outpouring of accusations and emails that they must all be fake. Again, we have seen no actual proof of this.


Has there ever been a more absurdly surreal moment, even in US politics, that unchallengeable theatre of the absurd and the surreal? One moment, we were watching a property magnate, with one eye on the presidency, the other on his reality TV show ratings, and puffed up like a bullfrog, rejoicing on an airport tarmac in New Hampshire that America's President of two years had finally made public his birth certificate.

doubters and believers...

In the rebel capital Benghazi, where a parallel government is gearing up to take the reins should Mr Gaddafi be ousted or killed, it is suspected that news of the death of his son is nothing more than propaganda from the Tripoli regime.


In the US, president Obama's birth certificate is still a contentious issue. Many people still believe the real piece of paper is a fake... But Superman attempt to revoke his US citizenship created a 100 per cent uproar and a 150 per cent strengthening of the belief that Superman is a real person who will save them from flower pots falling from six storeys above...