Saturday 11th of January 2025

news corp was there...


The media is divided on the story... Here in Orstralya, the Fairfax media is telling it as close as they can from the news wire. It's the one on the left. The Herald Sun, the poster touting the rag on the right — a newspaper from the Murdoch stable — knows far more — as usual.... Actually either Uncle Rupe himself or a couple of his directors at News Corp shot Bin Laden...

They WERE THERE!! They tell us so! They were there with guns, cameras and pens to take notes and a direct Fox-link back to base... That is why Obama won't release the picture of a dead Osama. Obama's troops missed the target by at least 10 inches to the right but THANK GOD (!)  the Murdoch team (Uncle Rupe's humility is stopping him from boasting about being at the forefront) was there to shoot the bad guy and capture the moment... The Herald Sun, we salute you...

a moment to haunt the purpose of justice...

from Chris Floyd


Here is where the schizophrenia sets in. It is obvious, from this and other posts, that Digby is horrified and outraged at Obama’s open claim of this universal license to kill and imprison with impunity. That is, she fully recognizes that the United States government is led by a man who believes he can murder anyone he pleases, at any time, at his own arbitrary decision. She knows that he has used this power over and over, most extensively in Pakistan, where even by the most conservative estimates hundreds of innocent people – including many women and children – have been killed in Obama’s drone missile campaign.

She knows, in other words, that Obama has killed hundreds of innocent people. Hundreds of innocent people. Little children, women, old folks, young marrieds, fathers, mothers, teenagers – he has killed them in their own homes, in the streets of their villages, in their cars, at their weddings and funerals and birthday parties and family gatherings, raining down missiles, without warning, with no way to escape, no defense, killed them, the babies, the children, the old, the sick, ripped their bodies to shreds, buried them under rubble, tore off their heads, set them on fire to die in the purest agony. She knows this. She decries this. She believes it is wrong. Yet the general thrust of her widely read blog is that this man who does these things, who commits these horrors, who claims these murderous, tyrannous powers, should, at all costs, be retained in power so that he can carry on doing these things which sicken and horrify her.

But this is not simply a case of lesser evilism in a system where all the alternatives are grim  – i.e., “Well, Göring is a monster but he’s probably marginally better than Hitler; let’s support a bloody coup to install him as Führer”. No; Digby and many other progressives whose writings show they are perfectly aware of the atrocities that Obama has committed and the evil policies he embraces – such as the unrestricted license to kill – still display an active affection and celebratory support for him. To them, even though he has killed these people and claimed these awful powers, he is still one cool guy.

Witness their delight at Obama’s comedy routine at the Correspondent’s Dinner last week, when he poked fun at the pathetic Donald Trump, garnering big yocks from the Beltway elite – even as NATO missiles were killing three young grandchildren of Moamar Gadafy: more child sacrifices offered up on the altar of our modern Molochs. They didn't even notice.