Friday 14th of March 2025

trust murdoch rags? sure don't...

murdoch rag

Page 21 of the Daily Telegraph, Sydney — a Murdoch paper... 21 may 2011

One has to be confused, unless one knows the reality in advance. Or is there a reality? Should one be only informed by the Murdoch rags, one would be so ragingly ignorant. From the stable of gruffs that brought you fantastic graphics on how Saddam could hit Crete, or something like it, within 45 minutes with weapons of mass destruction — a grandiose lie designed to support "Blair's war" — and many other doozies since, come this gem of, I hope, "not deliberately" confusing the public. See the dates on the maps? Well, they don't make sense. See the surface shown as "Israeli" Well it's full of fancy bits... But do not despair, the true Israeli map is shown on this site somewhere... And there are also the "disputed" occupied territories, such as the Golan heights, stolen from Syria... In 1967, Israel was but a 20-year old "country" with well-defined borders as stated by the UN. But since Israel was mostly created by the displacement of Palestinians, these Palestinians have objected to the steal of their space since 1947. The Israeli waged a war in 1967 that saw the remaining of Palestine "occupied" by Israeli forces. Since then, numerous "illegal" Israeli settlements have been set up on this occupied territory contrary to many UN resolutions... Places that "belong" to Palestinians are of course "excluded from Palestinians"... Futhermore Hamas was "inspired" by Israel, in order to divide the palestinian organisation...

But one editor could argue that the map marked 1967 is "just after the war of 1967, in 1967" and that the map marked 2011 is what Obama demands in 2011 of Israel... Very sneaky rag indead...


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the US Congress on Tuesday he would uproot settlements in a "generous" peace deal with Palestinians, but ruled out international demands to return to the 1967 borders or share Jerusalem.

In what had been hailed as a landmark speech, the Israeli leader broke no substantial new ground in his positions and rejected key calls from US President Barack Obama and the international community, who have been looking for ways to revive the comatose peace process with the Palestinians.

Netanyahu also ruled out any return to talks as long as the unity deal between Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas and the Islamist Hamas continues, while saying the real stumbling block to peace was the refusal of the Palestinians to recognise Israel as a Jewish state.

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giving up some ballast...

"In any peace agreement that ends the conflict, some settlements will end up beyond Israel's borders," Netanyahu said in a rare speech to a joint meeting of Congress, saying he had to be "honest" with the Israeli public.

"We will be very generous on the size of a future Palestinian state," he said in a speech frequently punctuated by warm applause and several standing ovations from the US politicians.

But Netanyahu again ruled out any return to the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East War or dividing the holy city of Jerusalem. The Palestinians demand east Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

"Jerusalem must never again be divided. Jerusalem must remain the united capital of Israel," Netanyahu said.

The issue of accepting the 1967 borders basis as a starting point for negotiations has been at the core of an ongoing row between Netanyahu and Obama.

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the murdoch press is in the gutter again...

One can look at the Sunday Telegraph (one of Murdoch stable of farting nags) this morning (Sunday 5 june 2011)... The front page is attacking Clover Moore, an independent who is Sydney's mayor and an MP as well — and doing a good job on all front... Inside, it's anti-Julia, anti-global-warming rants after rants interspaced with second rate stories about not much... There is of course the token sea level rise article to "balance" the horrid tide of slant... And Miranda Devine and Piers Akerman are doing their darnerst to bite Julia's Government with bile, rancour and idiocracy...

From rabid Akerman

WITH two years to run, the Gillard-Green-independent minority government is all but dead in the water. It is a shot duck.

When Ms Gillard ousted sitting Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd she essentially claimed she needed to take such extreme action because Rudd had failed to deal with the mining tax, global warming and the illegal boat people traffic.

The mining tax is going nowhere; levying a tax and claiming such action will affect the global temperature is increasingly being seen for the scam it is, and even the most vituperative and self-righteous of the former Howard government's critics are now recanting and admitting the Pacific solution would be better than Gillard's Malaysian sleight-of-hand.


Why so much hate, bile and poison in the ratbaggery?... Well it's obvious... The Julia government, despite what the biased media is touting, is scoring points. The ratbag rabid right may be winning the opinion with porkies stacked on top of porkies, but what matters is, come July one, another 25 days, and the government with the help of the greens won't have to deal with the nasty gastly Abbott team in the senate anymore... And that is scaring the pants of Abbott and his scarecrows... So they're cranking up the attack dogs...